COBRA | Tuesday, July 13, 2021 Updating the global situation

COBRA | Tuesday, July 13, 2021   -   Updating the global situation
The deletion of the Chimera group continues. The Forces of Light managed to completely clean all the underground bases of Chimera's rupture civilization, including the Congo complex.
Most of the hostages captured there have been released, although some of them are still etherically and astral captive.
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Donald Rumsfeld was captured by the Forces of Light on an etheric plane and taken to the Galactic Central Sun for refurbishment. He is no more. So there are only two remaining members (Kissinger and Cheney) of the Unholy Four (The Four Unholy) still alive, and the Forces of Light have now expanded their primary target list and renamed it Unholy Five. She now includes Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Klaus Schwab.
The king and queen of physical spiders, as well as most of the smaller Physical Chimera spiders have also been eliminated. Chimera's remaining forces are now surface focused and nothing more can be revealed about it at this time.
What's left to clean underground is some military bases still in the hands of negative military (including Antarctic ones), then underground tunnels (including those between USA and Mexico, California and Nevada and China and Myanmar) which are used for human trafficking by illuminati, mafia and triads, as well as child abuse centers under certain black nobility castles and catholic schools under the control of the Jesuits The top priority of the Resistance and the positive army is now to save as many children as possible still captive there.
There are still a few twin souls (mostly Pleiadians captured) of the main Galactic Confederation Commanders held hostage at negative army underground bases and some military installations on the surface, especially in the Negev Desert ( Israel), near Abu Kamal, Syria and near Grozny, Chechnya.
The Resistance and the Pleiadian Fleet have contacted positive US, Russia, and China many times over the past few months, and some plans have been put in place to prepare for the Event. Cheyenne Mountain and Thule (Greenland) underground complexes are being prepared for this purpose.
The Forces of Light are also intensively removing negative non-physical astral and ethereal elements, and their numbers have now dropped below 50 billion. At the top of the etheric and astral dark hierarchy are still some Chimera spiders that control a few thousand Archontes in insectoid bodies (the Lords of Karma) which in turn control a few million Dracos who manage the tens of billions of Entities Reptilians left.
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In the past, the Galactic Confederation Councils have failed to agree on how to liberate the planet Earth, and many Confederation staff have expressed divergent views on this issue:
Some actions were taken last week by Semjase and a few other high commanders, and now a consensus has been reached in Confederation, so that a drastic intervention will take place at the right time on the planet's surface. Not much to be said about this at this time, except if the Cabal crosses a certain limit, the intervention will take place much earlier and will be more severe.
After the beginning of August, some situations will get worse as we enter a special 'intersection event' time window that starts in August this year and ends at the end of 2022, the first part of this window being August-December 2021, and part two January-December 2022.
Interestingly, Gary Hesseltine, Vice President of the International Coalition of Extraterrestrial Research (ICER), believes that the dam [concerning the disclosure of the existence of alien civilizations] will yield in the next 6 to 12 Months:
Gate 11:11 visionary Solara estimates the dam will jump between now and the end of 2022:
On the surface of the planet, a battle is unfolding between the Light Forces and the dark forces over the coronavirus narrative.
The dark forces push their perpetual lockdown agenda on a case-based basis, with forced vaccinations, vaccines influencing the connection between the higher self and human personality (in esoteric circles, this connection is called antahkarana), as can be see clearly in Operation Warp Speed logo:
The Delta coronavirus variant is spreading very quickly but it is very benign, leading to very few hospitalizations and even fewer deaths:
So the Forces of Light are starting to effectively promote the end of lockdowns and more effective treatment of hospitalized people:
Two days ago, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz predicted the end of lockdowns in Austria, and the shift of attention from the government's enforcement of coronavirus mandates to individual responsibility and freedom, focusing more on people in hospital and less on confirmed cases. Of course, the main media outside Austria and neighbouring countries did not mention it.
It might be interesting for you to know that Telegram channels have been created for those following my blog posts, in different languages:
For those who want to participate in mass meditations, the list of active mass meditations can be found here:
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The Forces of Light are asking those who feel guided to participate in the Fire the Grid meditation, which takes place on July 19 at 11 UTC (13 h11 French time):
This meditation will strengthen the network of Light on the surface of this planet.
Victory of the Light!
Traduction : Prepare For Change France

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