do not think that your human understanding of these days will be enough to bring you through. No, My children, you cannot see without Me. I call you to be disciples of Light, My Light, in a dark world. The darkness is not like you think. When evening falls, you know that the darkness will soon follow. You prepare for it by lighting lamps so that you can see when the darkness fully falls.
The darkness that I speak of is not like this. It is like the darkness of a blind man who cannot see because no light can penetrate his eyes. My Light is slowly being taken away from you by those who would see Me dead, once again, who would not see Me Resurrect. They try to make all seem that I have never been.
You believe, and rightly so. I tell you it is the darkness that they create to make you stop believing that is the darkness that I speak of. When you come to Me in that secret place, like the lamps that you light in the evening, to prepare for the darkness that follows, I will Light your faith and the darkness that they create will not harm you for you will have My Light to guide you.
Come to Me in that secret place within your heart for I await. I Love you.

Message from Jesus to the Two patricks

14 October 2022


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