1. WEF-Infiltrated Dutch Gov’t Begins Euthanizing People With Autism, Disabilities, and Alcoholism
The Dutch state has begun euthanizing citizens, including children under the age of twelve, because they have minor disabilities, autism, or suffer from alcoholism. According to the government, euthanizing these people will help “save the planet.”

The Netherlands is one of the most Davos-friendly nations in the world, and the current government has embraced Klaus Schwab’s vision of a depopulated world, by any means necessary.

Doctors in the Netherlands have been ordered to begin euthanizing citizens with autism and other minor disabilities, without fear of prosecution – even if the patient does not currently express any desire to die.

Around 40 people who identified as autistic or intellectually disabled were forcibly euthanized in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2021, according to a Kingston University investigation of Dutch euthanasia cases.

Autism rates are skyrocketing around the developed world, with many experts blaming the intensive vaccine schedule inflicted on the young and very young. According to the Dutch government, which pushes dozens of aluminum-laced vaccines on toddlers, euthanasia is the answer to the explosion in autism numbers.

Five people younger than 30 who were killed by doctors all had autism listed as the sole reason behind the decision to end their lives, the Kingston University study found.

There are also cases of the state euthanizing alcoholics, sex abuse victims, dementia and depression.

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