
  • Great post thank you.
  • Part of the cycling?:


    Dr. Paul LaViolette is a very quiet, modest. soft-spoken, humble and unassuming, scientist. . . but like the boy with his finger in the dike, he could be forgiven if he were loud, bombastic, insistent, rude and intemperate -- because his message most emphatically means life and death, survival versus oblivion, opportunity grasped over against an accelerating nightmare of the elements of Nature periodically gone wild. The Galactic disaster he alone has discovered and documented, recurs once every 13,000 years. Concatenating astronomy, physics, geology, meteorology and archeology, he finds a ubiquitous, grim and irrefutable true story of stark terror told by astrology, myth and legend: The Core of the Galaxy routinely explodes, leading to circumstances that in the past have resulted in mass extinctions - and we're presently somewhat overdue.

  • Well, I found it, after major digging:

    msred said:

    Someone posted information about the cycle of ages... can anyone point to that post? The post had a chart included.
  • Someone posted information about the cycle of ages... can anyone point to that post? The post had a chart included.
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