
  • Survivors brave freezing cold after earthquake in China kills 131

    Survivors of China's deadliest earthquake in years huddled in makeshift aid tents despite freezing temperatures, too scared to return to homes made dangerous by the disaster.

    State broadcaster CCTV said at least 131 people were killed in northwestern Gansu province and neighbouring Qinghai after a shallow tremor on Monday night damaged thousands of buildings.

    Almost 1,000 were injured across the two provinces, according to state news agency Xinhua, with 16 missing in Qinghai.

    The quake was China's deadliest since 2014, when more than 600 people were killed in southwestern Yunnan province.

    The US Geological Survey said Monday night's magnitude-5.9 quake struck at a shallow depth at 11.59pm local time (3.59pm Irish time) with its epicentre around 100km from Gansu's provincial capital, Lanzhou.

    At least 126 killed after earthquake hits north China
    Rescuers in remote villages of northwest China dug through the rubble of collapsed homes after China's deadliest earthquake in years killed at least…
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