Earthquake Warning from a Friend

I have been keeping track of the recent earthquake activity in

Mexico and it is coming from the extinct volcanic cone region

called "The Big State of Mexico" and the extinct volcano that

lies just to the West of it called "Sierra Penascos Despues De

Una Lluvia"... If you draw a line from Fort Stockton, TX due west

and another line from Las Cruses, NM due south, where the two

lines intersect is the general region of the two ancient volcanoes...

The one to the right if the two is where the past 8-10 earthquakes

have occurred in just the past 4-days... The largest one being a

5.2 (6.2), with all the others in the high 3s(4s) to high 4s(5s)...

This is an earthquake/volcano that is sure to go soon and will

undoubtedly be one of the ones that Joe Brandt {in a 1937 vision}

saw erupting ... I did a Google-earth on it and it is huge...! If this

thing "pops" within the next 3-4-months then several others are sure

to go including a volcano in Baja, CA and another one in Columbia...

Other than this email, I am going to keep an eye on it and let you

know what happens... there is nothing around either volcano other

than dirt and jack-rabbits so it won't affect any people, but the plume

that it will give off is going to be massive, ugly and dangerous...

I wouldn't let this email out because, again, if nothing happens then

there goes the credibility... however, this does not look good...

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