
  • Stinging nettle tea or tincture can be used to cleanse and detoxify the liver. As the filter for our bodies we need to clean it out now and then so it can continue removing toxins from our bloodstream as it circulates through it . Just like we change or clean out the filter in our A/C's so it can continue to circulate cold air in our homes, lol.

    Plantain leaves can also be used as poultices for bruises and wounds. It speeds the healing process tremendously. Natures Pharmacy !!

    edina said:
    Great post msred, this is one of the best pages I've seen of this info. It would be so cool if more people knew that they could eat all those weeds that they pull from their lawns, it may help people not starve so much in the AfterTime.

    Most of these common weeds are what permaculture people call pioneer plants. These will be the plants that grow first and fast in areas that are devastated by changes, we can count on these to be there, and to thrive in the low-light, wet, and toxic enviroment of the AfterTime. I fed my pigs some plaintain growing in the path to their pen today. They love this stuff. Also, the leaves can be used for making cordage, which can be used to make a fire drill if need be.

    I'm planning to start adding these into my diet now, raw, and cooked. Yummy!!! : )
  • Great post msred, this is one of the best pages I've seen of this info. It would be so cool if more people knew that they could eat all those weeds that they pull from their lawns, it may help people not starve so much in the AfterTime.

    Most of these common weeds are what permaculture people call pioneer plants. These will be the plants that grow first and fast in areas that are devastated by changes, we can count on these to be there, and to thrive in the low-light, wet, and toxic enviroment of the AfterTime. I fed my pigs some plaintain growing in the path to their pen today. They love this stuff. Also, the leaves can be used for making cordage, which can be used to make a fire drill if need be.

    I'm planning to start adding these into my diet now, raw, and cooked. Yummy!!! : )
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