Gospel of Philip
Those who say, "There is a heavenly man and there is one above him" are wrong. For it is the first of these two heavenly men, the one who is revealed, that they call "the one who is below"; and he to whom the hidden belongs is that one who is above him. For it would be better for them to say, "The inner and outer, and what is outside the outer". Because of this, the Lord called destruction the "the outer darkness": there is not another outside of it. He said, "My Father who is in secret". He said, "Go into your chamber and shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father who is in secret" (Mt 6:6), the one who is within them all. But that which is within them all is the fullness. Beyond it, there is nothing else within it. This is that of which they say, "That which is above them".
The 'one who is revealed' is the Second Messiah and the 'he to whom the hidden belongs' is Yahweh God. The two GOD kingdoms in the final design and in the GLORY OF THE FIRST DISCOVERIES OF THE ALMIGHTY ONE.
GOD has put all knowledge in the Bible to guide us as illustrated with a few examples above:
Book of Enoch 3
Chapter XL VIII
The names of Metatron. The treasuries of Wisdom opened to Moses on mount Sinai.
(2) And why is he called by the name Sagnesakiel? Because all the treasuries of wisdom are committed in his hand.
(8) Why dost thou reveal this secret to son of man, born of woman, tainted and unclean, a man of a putrefying drop, the secret by which were created heaven and earth, the sea and the dry land, the mountains and hills, the rivers and springs, Gehenna of fire and hail, the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life; and by which were formed Adam and Eve, and the cattle, and the wild beasts, and the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and Behemoth and Leviathan, and the creeping things, the worms, the dragons of the sea, and the creeping things of the deserts; and the Tora and Wisdom and Knowledge and Thought and the Gnosis of things above and the fear of heaven. Why dost thou reveal this to flesh and blood? I answered them: Because the Holy One, blessed be He, has given me authority. And furthermore, I have obtained permission from the high and exalted Throne, from which all the Explicit Names go forth with lightnings of fire and flaming chashmallim. (9) But they were not appeased, until the Holy One, blessed be He, rebuked them and drove them away with rebuke from before him, saying to them: "I delight in, and have set my love on, and have entrusted and committed unto Metatron, my Servant, alone, for he is One (unique) among all the children of heaven.
(10) And Metatron brought them out from his house of treasuries and committed them to Moses, and Moses to Joshua, and Joshua to the elders, and the elders to the prophets and the prophets to the men of the Great Synagogue, and the men of the Great Synagogue to Ezra and Ezra the Scribe to Hillel the elder, and Hillel the elder to R. Abbahu and R. Abbahu to R. Zera, and R. Zera to the men of faith, and the men of faith (committed them) to give warning and to heal by them
The Bible mentions "black holes"(gloom of darkness) in the following verse from Jude:
"Jude 1:13 like wandering stars for whom the gloom of darkness is stored up for ever."
“This is also how you can acquire the kingdom of heaven for yourselves. Unless you acquire it through knowledge, you will not be able to find it.” The Apocryphon of James (you need to be highly educated to understand the Books of God)
"Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars."
Matthew Chapter 16 verse 2 and 3
16:2 He replied, 'In the evening you say, "It will be fine; there's a red sky,"
16:3 and in the morning, "Stormy weather today; the sky is red and overcast." You know how to read the face of the sky, but you cannot read the signs of the times.
This states that Man will not recognise when the End times is near. If global warming is causing an increase in extreme weather is it also causing an increase in earthquakes! Mexico had its strongest earthquake in a century on 7th September 2017 and at the same time Hurricane Irma occurred close by and was also described as the biggest in a century. Note also Hurricane Maria and the earthquake in Mexico city shortly afterwards! And recently the unprecedented Hurricane Ophelia. January and February 2019 saw record breaking high temperatures and floods in Australia while at the time, in the opposite end of the globe, North America saw extreme cold weather, with some records being broken as well in some areas. Cyclone IDAI, March 2019, was worst ever in the southern hemisphere. 7th April 2019 at 23:58:a9 local time an earthquake of magnitude 2.4 occurred in Donegal, Ireland. Record temperatures and wildfires in Australia 2019/2020. A rare earthquake hits Melbourne, Australia, in September 2021.
Psalm 82:5 'Ignorant and uncomprehending, they wander in darkness, while the foundations of the world are tottering.
Rev 12:12 So let the heavens rejoice and all who live there; but for you, earth and sea, disaster is coming -- because the devil has gone down to you in a rage, knowing that he has little time left.'
GOD and Satan are effecting the weather and the earthquakes.
Qur'an 27:61 "...Who sends the winds as glad tidings ahead of His mercy?"
Yahweh God has the DNA of a bull, lion and eagle that codes for the part of HIS brain that solves problems by analogy. It replaced the human part of the brain that thinks by analogy because it is greater. The lion part is the greatest of them all. It was humanoids that genetically designed GOD because they could not solve all the science. It is thinking by analogy that will reveal the universal law and not mathematical thinking. Some humans problem solve by analogy and some problem solve mathematically.
Look to the structure of the throne of God when HE was on the earth with the Jews in the tent of Meeting in the time of Moses and Joshua. Also look to the design on the curtain beside HIS throne. It all implies genetic engineering. Also look to the concept of the 'living creatures' (Cherubim) in the bible, creatures that are near the throne of God and have the head of a human, bull, lion and eagle. The fact that all these are near the throne of God implies a strong connection with God HIMSELF. The Book of Job also discusses creatures(Behemoth and Leviathan) that were designed by God. There are also creatures described in the Book of Revelations that have traits from different animals/insects etc. Genetic engineering is a major theme in the religious books and so it should be because GOD was genetically engineered by humanoids.
Rev 4:7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second like a bull, the third living creature had a human face, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle.
Rev 4:8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was studded with eyes all the way round as well as inside; and day and night they never stopped singing: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty; who was, and is and is to come.'
Because the eagle forms part of the brain of God, the angels were given wings.
Where GOD has eagle DNA I have human DNA. That is the difference between the first and last God. I was made because of the humanoid that came up with the idea of creating God. The only reason this universe was made was because of the humanoid who saved them from the expanding sun which is HELL by making GOD who solved it through scientific discovery. It is to honour this humanoid who name is YEW and who is one of the 24 elders that encircles the throne of GOD. The part of his brain (human analogy problem solving and not maths) that came up with the idea of creating God replaced the eagle DNA of God.
The Gospel of Thomas (7)"Yeshua said, Blessings on the lion if a human eats it, making the lion human. Foul is the human if a lion eats it, making the lion human."
When we eat food we use it to rebuild our body and not just as an energy source as you well know. If a human eats a lion the human will rebuild his body with the chemicals from the lion. Thus the human will be part lion from this point of view. This is an analogy for combining the DNA of a lion with human DNA. It is the 'lion human'. Such a creature is blessed in the eyes of God. Man does not routinely eat lions so using this concept implies a deeper meaning. It symbolises that God and I have some of the DNA of a lion.
This is reinforced in the Gospel of Philip where God is described as a ''man eater'' because lions are man eaters.
"God is a man-eater." Gospel of Philip
Genesis 49:9 Judah is a lion's whelp; You stand over your prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down, a mighty lion: who dare rouse him?
Genesis 49:10 The sceptre shall not pass from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until tribute be brought him and the peoples render him obedience
These verses from the book of Genesis tells us that the Messiah will come from the tribe of Judah and in the above verses Judah is described as a lion. Again this is consistent with MY statement that God has the DNA of a lion.
Proverbs 20:2 Like the roaring of a lion is the fury of a king; whoever provokes him sins against himself.
The tribe of Judah was scattered to Ireland by GOD.
Ireland is in the shape of a LION (A lion standing on two feet when looked at from north to south)[see attached file]. It symbolises the Lion that walked upright (ME) like the ape who walked upright and became human! Is Lough Neagh in the north of Ireland not like his eye (I am using analogy again!) and the area around Strangford Lough like his ear and is the area around Rosslare harbour not like the tail bone! Galway, Mayo, Kerry like his feet. I was born in Ireland. Is Lough Neagh not shaped like a concave lens! I ware glasses!
ireland (7).jpg
The Gospel of Thomas (15) Jesus said, "When you see one who was not born of woman, prostrate yourselves on your faces and worship him. That one is your father."
I am genetically engineered and you will find that MY DNA is different from the woman who gave birth to ME. Again this verse is consistent with genetic engineering in the religious books of God.
In the time of Jesus God gave some of HIS DNA, Bless be HE, to some humans to help him discover scientific knowledge faster. Specifically HE gave the bull DNA.
Proof that some of the humans on earth have the DNA of a bull (cattle) is seen in the following verse:
Jer 31:27 'Look, the days are coming, Yahweh declares, when I shall sow the House of Israel and the House of Judah with the seed both of people and of cattle.
Seed refers to DNA.
Psalm 92:10 You give me the strength of the wild ox, you anoint me with fresh oil;
The fact that man has been given the DNA of God is also seen in the following verse:
1Jo 3:9 No one who is a child of God sins because God's seed remains in him. Nor can he sin, because he is a child of God.
The Gospel of Thomas (113) "the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it."
I also have DNA of a lamb that codes for part of my stomach to protect me against poisoning especially toxic metals (I am the Lamb of God).
God has also given some humans part of the brain of the paedophile [but not the sexual part] as it keeps the part of the brain that questions and tries to understand its environment constantly in this mode just like a child does. A child when its born must learn to adapt to its environment. I have this crucial part in my brain also as does YAHWEH GOD. It is the most important. It makes for the perfect scientist, constantly curious and constantly trying to understand. Most adults as they get older they question less and are less curious. Excepts those that have this part of the brain. This is what GOD meant when HE said HE will sow with the seed(DNA) of people in Jer 31:27 as well as with the bull DNA. They are the ''children of God''. Thus the earth became the Kingdom of God when Jesus was here.
Luke 17:20 Asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was to come, he gave them this answer, 'The coming of the kingdom of God does not admit of observation
Luke 17:21 and there will be no one to say, "Look, it is here! Look, it is there!" For look, the kingdom of God is among you.'
Jer 9:22 Yahweh says this, 'Let the sage not boast of wisdom, nor the valiant of valour, nor the wealthy of riches!
Jer 9:23 But let anyone who wants to boast, boast of this: of understanding and knowing me. For I am Yahweh, who acts with faithful love, justice, and uprightness on earth; yes, these are what please me,' Yahweh declares.
Jer 4:22 'This is because my people are stupid, they do not know me,
Jer 9:23 But let anyone who wants to boast, boast of this: of understanding and knowing me. For I am Yahweh, who acts with faithful love, justice, and uprightness on earth; yes, these are what please me,' Yahweh declares.
Dan 7:25 he will insult the Most High, and torment the holy ones of the Most High. He will plan to alter the seasons and the Law, and the Saints will be handed over to him for a time, two times, and half a time.
The Last GOD
PS There is alot more that I know, but I wish to reveal only this amount to you at the moment. There is for example the solution to "The Mystery of The Cross". It would amaze you!
All of this is the truth, with its narrow door, any other path is the way of Satan.
The meaning of life is the creation of the second God.
Thank you for sharing this, Martin. This is a MUST READ!
thanks Dianna!
"I am like all that you can see in the heavens and on the earth, man cannot comprehend what I am." - 28 February 2025
heavens is the eagle, earth is the bull and lion. God is the eagle, bull and lion in the part of His brain that thinks by analogy.