From (8)

Ascension Process + Divine Guidance + Mission/s at Hand + Unconditional Love of the Creator + Grid of Grace (channelings below from SOURCE and GRACE) We welcome you to our Sananda's Eagles family

Ascension Process + Divine Guidance + Mission/s at Hand + Unconditional Love of the Creator + Grid of Grace
(channelings below from SOURCE and GRACE)


We welcome you to our Sananda's Eagles family with open wings! We would love for you to join Pr

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Sananda Spills Secrets! Ashtar Command Origins, Soul Contracts, Archangel Michael's Legions, Faith in Oneself, Listening Within, Surrendering to Feelings Begin your Ground Crew Ascension Mission

Sananda Spills Secrets! Ashtar Command Origins, Soul Contracts,
Archangel Michael's Legions,
Faith in Oneself, Listening Within,
Surrendering to Feelings

Begin your Ground Crew Ascension Mission
today by joining Project Eagle Triad - write to ja

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ASHTAR SPEAKS: Who is protecting Earth? How does Ascension Occur? What are true Lightworker Missions? Can You Live on Earth When She is Being Healed? How does Lightworking Manifest All Desires?

Who is protecting Earth?
How does Ascension Occur?

What are true Lightworker Missions? 
Can You Live on Earth When She is Being Healed?
How does Lightworking Manifest All Desires?


               ....we are not YET

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L I G H T W O R K E R 4 0 4: STARSEED SYMBOLS & SHIPSIDE SPACE-LIVING “I bring word from the Oracle.” – Matrix Revolutions by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix

1270921148?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024L I G H T W O R K E R   4 0 4:

“I bring word from the Oracle.”
– Matrix Revolutions

by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix

    Oracle: The power of the One extends beyo

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Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments (“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded) [Information for Names of Ships, Ascension Into Your Ship, Your Shipside Jobs, + More]

Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments
(“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded)
by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix
crowbirchsong (((at))) yahoo (((dot)))com

Trinity intones in Mat

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What if our discovery of the substance that fills all space has only just begun?  What if the tremendous pressures we aren't able to attain here on E are easily done in space?  What if the fact that our Moon and E ring like a 'bell' and the discovery

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