Metatron's Message April 14 2014

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Metatron's Ascension Message and Tonight's Radio show announcement
Listen to tonight's April 15th, Historic radio broadcast at 8 PM EST!
Harmonic Portal Announcement!

Metatron's Message:

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April 14, 2014

Now beloved ones, I would like to give you a little more information about the adventure that is about to begin for all of you who are listening to this call, listening to this message. I hope that Kathryn will be able to send this out to all of you.  It is a historic moment in the history of the universe.  You know that I am fond about talking about timelines and the physics of the Universe. I will put it as simply as possible.  

It seems that my February message from another source was misunderstood a bit.  I was trying to give you a sense of the perspective from which we view the activities on planet Earth. As you know there are various timelines, various possibilities about the way things can unfold, and they always depend upon the participation of those on the surface.  

It is now the day before the lunar eclipse and the full moon.  Actually, the lunar eclipse is going to begin very shortly.  The full moon will come into its fruition tomorrow across the globe.  And there are many, many energies in the Universe that will be coming together at this time.  I have asked Kathryn to make an announcement.   Of course, I was not alone in this.  We always work in cooperation here in the higher realms.  

This message I am giving you now was at the request of the Prime Creator.  I always work with Sananda, with Mother/Father God.  We are a team you know, just as you are a team, and you, our ground crew, have made this possible.  You are a small group compared to the larger population on planet Earth.  This is what I had in mind when I gave my original message.  I was not talking about all of you waiting until 2038 to ascend, of course not.  

Now is the beginning for you, when the full moon rises.  It is called the Blood Moon because it traditionally appears red in the sky.  It is also the beginning of Passover. I have asked Kathryn, on her radio talk tomorrow evening, to talk about Passover and the connection that it has to the energies of this time.  Some of you have also been aware of the Cardinal Grand Cross.  We will also be explaining that tomorrow night.  

All of these astrological events have far more power, far more importance in this opening of the portal than any of you could have imagined for the timing of these things in the Universe.  We do not think of it in terms of time but it is an event that comes in a periodic cycle.  But this coming together of events is historic, for it has not happened for thousands of years.  And now here you are at the threshold of a powerful moment in the Universe.  You Beloved Ones will be on the first wave.   This is what we've called it, the first wave of Ascension.  You have prepared yourselves, you have worked hard, you have taken to heart the many lessons we have offered you over the past years.  

Many channels have worked to bring our messages to you and we appreciate their work.  We have told the world through our channel Kathryn that there will be no more channelings.  After tomorrow, you will not be hearing radio programs, internet programs and written messages from channelers for it will not be necessary for all of you.  Those of you that are reading these messages are the ones who will not need them any longer, so you see it makes sense doesn't it?  Those of you who have listened to these messages and have worked so hard to raise your vibration are the ones who will be speaking to us in person.  So of course, there will be no need for channelers.  If there should be a need for us to bring our messages to the people on earth who are still in the process of their learning, still in the process of raising their vibration, we will do so ourselves.  So you see, this era of channeled messages will come to an end.  That's exciting isn't it?  We are not telling you that you will be deprived of information. Far from it.  You will hear us yourselves.  You will meet with us in higher dimensions.  You will be welcomed with open arms.  Isn't that exciting?

You will see your ancestors, your beloved ones, your masters, your guides.  We will form a great chorus to greet you as you come through the Harmonic Portal.  This is what we have called the portal that will be energized and opened to you from April 15th , the full moon.  You have called it the Full Moon of New Beginnings and it certainly is that.  So from April 15th, the full moon, until April 22nd, the Cardinal Grand Cross moment, there will be a tremendously powerful portal opened to those who wish to ascend.  

Those of you who want to be on the first wave, we welcome you.  With open arms we await your arrival in the higher realms, and what it glorious celebration it will be!  We are as excited as you are!  Oh I know, you are used to me talking about the physics and astronomy and all the higher level intellectual considerations that have to do with this exciting event.  But I, like you, like all of us in the higher realms, am excited beyond description.  

This event, the ascension of humankind, well, you've been told it's a historic event, it's a miraculous event.  We have worked so hard, you and I and all the others.  We have worked so hard for eons, inch by inch, step by step, revelation by revelation.  Everyone has done their part and now you will reap the rewards of your hard work.  And you know this is a reward you have given yourselves.  We have created the portal, the opening, the information to bring to you, but you have taken the step.  You are the ones who have walked the path with courage, with faith, with hope.  Regardless of how difficult that path may have been you have continued; regardless of how far away the goals may have seemed to be, you have persevered.  

We have all worked together, but We cannot take credit for this beautiful, glorious moment.  It was the result of a group consciousness and this group consciousness that you experience now, this joining together of hearts and minds, is the beginning of the New Era.  And when I described coming of the Christ Consciousness, I was referring to the time when all humankind, every single being, and all of the  kingdoms of Planet Earth, will reach the point of Christ Consciousness.  That is our goal isn't it Beloved Ones?

Yes, your ascension is your own personal goal, but it is just the beginning.  You are the wayshowers, the courageous ones, the initiators and you, many of you, will return to teach the others.  What a glorious time it will be.  The teaching will be far easier than it was, for you will have so much help, mentors, other masters, here with you.  The rising energies all will play a part in this uplifting of all the souls on planet Earth.  

Will it take us 20 years?  Perhaps not.  We are a powerful force, you and I.  All of us together, we have great power because of our bright energies.  We join with our Creator.  We are proud to be a part of this glorious crew whether in the higher dimensions or on the ground, it matters not.   We are completely connected, all of us together.  Of One mind, One heart, One hope, One faith that we are all One with our Creator.  It matters not what religion you have practice.  It matters not if you have ever practiced a religion.  We know in our hearts that there is only one belief, and that is the belief in One, the trust in Love and the knowledge that Light is the greatest power in the Universe, that Light is Love, that we are Love and that we are One.

I send you my blessings in the Company of Heaven.  I send you Blessings, I send you Love and I glory in being with you now in this wonderful Ascension.  I await you with open arms.  

I am Metatron.

Via Kathryn E. May, April 14, 2 PM, 2014, San Juan, PR

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