More wonderful news to spoil your day.

Just got this in my mail. Thought I would pass it along. What are your thoughts? Our media news has been suppressing news and has been controlled by the government for decades almost like a communist regime. Theres a huge amount of hidden news that all of us are not seeing or hearing about. important news.By the way the constant pushing of thr Trans Agenda is only to create a distraction and chaos, just like the southern border was, leading up to our invasion by China who is already here,making and spreading new viruses and diseases in unmarked California warehouses that sre secret Chins owned Labs. We have found them also in NY and near Florida. China Illegals and military age d males from 18 to mid 40 are now being secretly flown to the Bahamas and then flown to enter into Florida instead of through the south border!! They have brought in deadly diseases nade in Wuhan Lab, one such as Eboli, more covid 19 variants which no one should be vaccinated for because the vaccines are more deadly than the viruses are, causing heart, lung,blood clots, stroke while the variant is like a temporary cold. What concerns me is that Chins brought back the ancient disease of Leprosy and infected a few people in Florida with ugly boils all over the face and body. Leprosy is NOT ENDEMIC TO FLORIDA, IT HASNT BEEN SEEN IN OVER 2,000 YEARS ABD WAS ONLY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, SO CHINA RECREATED IT AS A BIOWEAPON, TRIED TO DNEAK IT INTO CALIF AND FLORIDA FOR REAL ,AND MAYBE, POSSIBLY NY AND NY IS BEING SEARCHED FOR THAT.

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  • A friend of mine who lives in Chigaco, has said that the city is getting over run with migrants.  They keep trucking them in, bus and bus loads of them.  And the new Mayor, she says, is worse than the crazy one that was there and she says he isn't doing anything about it.

  • ...or not, Martin. 

    • Maybe or maybe not.  Jesus has said "the future is contingent upon prayer". 

      • ...and, that is the correct answer. 

        • testing....

  • "It is unfortunate that My churches may soon be closed by another pandemic shutdown." - September 17. 2023


    Sunday, September 17. 2023 : John Leary
  • Diabolical!!  They are doing everything they can to bring down the USA while the Clown in the WH allows it!  And the Clown is trying to back down the Supreme court due to the order through the Supreme Court to block the WH from pressuring social media to censor.  

    Everyone needs to stock up on Colliodal Silver 30 PPM, as it is anti viral, and antibacterial asap.  Plus carry other herbals that are antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal.  And work on the immune system, probiotics, organic vitamins (D3, Zinc etc) because we are under attack!  

  • Sorry. I can't figure out how to make paragraphs with this post. 

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