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August 14th, 2011 by Chris Bergin

NASA’s Mission Operations Directorate (MOD) are preparing for involvement in an underwater simulation of protocols which may become part of a manned mission to a Near Earth Object (NEO). The tests will be carried out during October’s NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) mission, which will be based at the Aquarius underwater habitat in Key Largo, Florida.


Owned by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and managed by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Aquarius operates 3.5 miles off Key Largo in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. It is deployed next to deep coral reefs 19 meters below the surface.

While it is in regular use by numerous scientists – such as marine biologists – 14 missions have already been conducted by NEEMO, which involves NASA crews – known as aquanauts – spending up to three weeks living underwater.

read the rest of the story here: NASA preparing to land on asteroid

How 'bout the name, NEEMO?

Makes me want to watch the movie Finding Nemo, to see if there are any obvious messages...


Truth and Fiction - all the same, layered, vectored, intertwined, dependent upon each other...

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