~~ Part 1: The Calm Before the Great Solar Storm ~~ 

The reason why the Sun has not been electrically and electromagnetically 
excited to the point where its outblasts would decimate life on Earth is 
because Planet X is much much farther from the Sun than 20 million miles. 
We have information indicating that X penetrates the underside of the 
Ecliptic plane somewhere between Jupiter and the Asteroid Belt. That 
information comes from Zechariah Sitchin's THE TWELFTH PLANET, 
wherein he quotes R. Campbell Thompson's book [paraphrasing]:
the ancient Babylonian and Ninevite astronomers observed that Nibiru
entered the Solar System around the "station" [which I interpret to mean
the orbital path] of Jupiter. Another concept that suggests that this is
the particular point of Planet X's entry into the Ecliptic plane is the 
popular and plausible theory that the Asteroid Belt formed as a result of 
a collision between one of Nibiru's (Planet X's) surrounding gravitationally
captured bodies and a theoretical ancient planet which they call "Tiamat".
This theory reckons that Tiamat once revolved around the Sun where the
Asteroid Belt of debris now revolves, thus explaining how a ring of
asteroidal debris would have (otherwise inexplicably) gotten itself in orbit
around the Sun. There are some recent astronomical sightings also 
suggesting that Nibiru penetrates the underside of the Ecliptic between
Jupiter and the Asteroid Belt; namely, that amateur astronomer Anthony 
Wesley has photographed at least two comet collisions into the southern 
hemisphere of Jupiter over the last few years, whereas, prior to the
Comet Shoemaker-Levy collision, I believe that no other such collision
had ever been sighted. This suggests that X's surrounding bee swarm of
gravitationally captured celestial bodies may have penetrated the Ecliptic
near Jupiter's orbital ring. Finally, my eight years of observing the
jetstream patterns on The Weather Channel indicate that, since 2004,
a bizarre jetstream pattern had persisted until around 2009, and then it
drastically changed, such that its bizarre sinusoidal (wavy) excursions 
increased in both amplitude and in wavelength. Currently, those
north-south excursions have shifted northward into Canada, on the
America continent, while, oppositely, the jetstream swoops southward
over the European continent. This is why we have all-time record high 
temperatures in North America, while oppositely, there are all-time
record cold temperatures in Europe. Moreover, since 2009, those
north-south excursions have lost some of their wavy symmetry, so
that currently, one deep U-shaped trough, plunging as far south as
Mexico, is followed by a smooth non-trough in the jetstream, horizontally
flowing well north of the Canadian border. Yet, prior to 2009, one deep
southward trough in the jetstream was consistently followed by another
identical trough. Another post-2009 aberration in the jetstream is that 
what the Weather Channel calls "cut-off lows" and "cut-off highs" often
form, which take the shape of huge circlular high or low pressure zones,
enveloping several states. Prior to 2009, I never saw cut-off pressure 
zones on the Weather Channel's jetstream map. 

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  • Thanks, Nick. We're all here to help one another as we collaborate to alert 

    the peoples of the world via the long informational lever arm of the Internet. 

  • I see exactly where you are coming from. Jim maccaney was only saying this Thursday how hot the sun is and made a few oblique refeercbes to planet x, enough to get me thinking he says and knows a lot more than than he publicly announces. save on those rare occasions. but he still rubbishes the idea of a brown dwarf for some reason.

    it would appear we have action at a distance via interactions with the heliosphere, which correspondingly affect the sun. this seems to be the main tenet of your argument and I can  find no problem with it. you make it an awful lot clearer. it needs to be studied in depth to get a really clear understanding, to create a model of this in ones mind . I may do this one day. thanks for the info.

  • Finally, you can see the consequence of an electrically battered geomagnetosphere 

    vis-a-vis our jetstream. The magnetosphere gets blasted by solar emissions, which 

    then compress and excite the magnetosphere, which, in turn disturbs the jetstream, so that 

    the jetstream sharply undulates, north to south, and it is these extreme whiplike 

    vertical undulations of the jetstream that cause so many superstorms on our planet. 

  • What I stated, above, was, "the Sun has not been electrically and

    electromagnetically excited to the point where its outblasts would decimate

    life on Earth." However, much less than decimating life on Earth, there have

    been numerous intruding comets exciting the Sun to emit strong solar winds, 

    flares, and coronal mass ejections during this past decade. Moreover, as 
    James McCanney had stated several years ago, the heliosphere, way beyond

    Pluto, was probably penetrated by this incoming dwarf star and hordes of

    accompanying celestial bodies. When the heliosphere is penetrated as such,

    it is like a bee flying into a huge bubblegum bubble (the plasmatic [electrified]

    heliosphere). Visualize a bee flying in and thus trailing a string of bubblegum 

    behind it. This is sort of what happens, electrically, when a comet penetrates 

    the heliosphere. Now, there must have been hordes of comets when X and 

    its entourage entered, around 2003, according to McCanney. His surmisal 

    was based upon extraordinary return current sheets of protons (electric ionic 

    hydrogen nuclei) discharging from the outer borders of the solar capacitor, which 

    is the heliosphere itself, to the inner electrode of this solar capacitor, which is 

    the Sun. So, these return current sheets are created as a result of the 

    creation of a path of high electrical conductivity (or, conversely stated, 

    a path of low electrical resistance). These comets, like the bee flying into 

    the bubblegum bubble, create a path of high electrical conductivity between 

    the highly positive electrically charged heliosphere and the primarily negative 

    space charge of electrons surrounding the Sun. Positve and negative attract 

    each other. The result is lots of electrical zapping of the Sun via these return 

    current sheets, from the heliosphere to the Sun. So, indeed, the Sun has 

    exhibited high electrical emissions, as the records over the past decade show. 

    But the Sun has not yet become excited enough "to decimate all life on Earth," 


    So, you can see that Earth's magnetosphere has been persistently battered by 

    a decade of electrified blasting from the Sun. Incidentally, there was about 18

    months of solar quiescence punctuating this decade of blasting, during which 

    time I did not notice a commensurate calming of the undulating jetstream. 

    We should look into that secondary consideration, too. But, generally, you can 

    see that the distinction between serious solar hyperactivity and extinction level 

    solar hyperactivity is simply a distinction in magnitudes. 

  • Forgive my ignorance here, but, if the brown dwarf has not yet traverse past say, Mars orbit, how can it be affecting the  jet stream? the jet stream is powered by electrical activity in the upper atmosphere, so, if electric power is coming into the earths  ionosphere from space to thus affect the jet stream, it must have its source either the sun or from the intergalactic medium as we traverse through it. now, if this large body is not close enough to interact noticeably with the sun as yet, i then infer it is too far away to as yet influence the earths jet stream   is my reasoning correct? so, what is your explanation?

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