Children of Jerusalem, the Temple has been torn open by traitors: as then, the Temple doctors have sold the Son of God!!! A tremendous tragedy is so close to being fulfilled, man goes unaware of what will shortly befall him. Thunder the wrath of the Father, the Almighty God! Behold his Justice! God will not pass over: this is the time foretold by God's prophets!!! Prepare yourselves O men: your lives are in danger, death already grips your souls! Return urgently to Him who created you and with infinite love awaits to have you back "His own."
Earth is about to be hit by an asteroid:
Get ready! A life of torment and suffering is about to begin. Return to your God Love with sincere repentance,
ask forgiveness for your sins... ask for His Mercy. The "dark" night is already upon the world!!! Convert My children ... convert!!!
Pray without ceasing!!... for peace
Been doing this since the Cuban missile crisis in 1963, was it? I was teaching 4th grade, and whole class got on knees and we said the rosary. John F. Kennedy was President at the time.
Oops! Giving away my age here...
Wow! Thanks for sharing Dianna. You do not hear of this happening in schools these days not even Catholic schools. You taught school? Really cool.
November 26th, 2023 - 1:25 PM
My child, the world is soon to understand true humility. There is a trembling that is beginning to happen in the conscious of mankind, for that is why the world is lacking peace. Many today seek to act in a way that harbors pleasure and happiness, but I say to you, sin and joy do not conform to each other.
I say to my children, you must have greater vigilance for the enemy seeks to draw you in by your past sins. It is through prayer, by calling on the Holy spirit, that you will be given the grace to recognize the signs all around you. This earth will begin to rock and tremble. A great wall of water will come forth in the South Pacific and inundate towns and villages, and many will be caught off guard. The Rockies will shake, Jerusalem will be surrounded by missiles, and your communications will come to a halt. Just as you see this great sign come from Jerusalem, know that the true cleansing of My church has begun.
It is time, my children, to bind your rosaries and pray for peace because without prayer, chaos will erupt all around this world. Now go forth, for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.