Scientific Study  that  discusses whether our  subconscious can  predict future  events.

Data  showing a  so called "Information Field" reveal a  rise in  social  consciousness  around the globe, when  major  events  occur.  Todayshow.coms Dara Brown  discusses the impact  of  this  data with  Dr. Roger  Nelson, of the  Global Consciousness Project.

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  • Great find DS! We are all connected and this is why we can change the planet one person at a time. Physicists discovered what they called quantum medium. Its basically an invisible substance that fills the entire universe and permeates every thing and living being. They also believe that quantum medium has a consciousness. I believe this is what we would call God and we are all part of it and connected as one.
    An interesting side note. This was actually discovered in the 1800's. They called the invisible force ether. In the 1920's a physicist supposedly proved that there was no such thing. After that anybody mentioning an invisible ether was laughed at. It wasn't until the 90's that this theory was rediscovered and renamed.
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