Predict Quakes. Save Lives!

To Anyone, Anywhere:

Have you noticed any of the following signs of a coming earthquake?

Animals, domesticated and in nature, acting nervous, frantic, scared; 
Auroras -- flashes of colored lights in the sky;
A loud boom that sounds like a faraway explosion;
Frogs, worms, or insects coming out of the ground;
An increase in the number of lost pet ads in local newspapers;
Vibrations inside buildings or outdoors;
The smell of natural gas in the neighborhood;
Other signs suggesting that earth tremors might occur;

If you have noticed any of these signs, the people's Quake Sensing
Project (QSP) urges you to help save lives by simply submitting your
report of an earthquake warning sign to this online public service
center, where your report and the reports of many other people are
quantified to yield the specific degree of earthquake danger 
currently detected at each locale throughout North America.

There is an old slogan: The Life You Save May Be Your Own.
Regardless of whose life your warning sign may save, you will want
to be a part of this humanitarian movement, which we hope to open
up to people everywhere, wherever the Internet is accessible.

As people from all locales submit earthquake warning signs, the
reports from each locale are summed up to yield a particular
degree of danger, symbolized by a particular color on a World map.
You can zoom in on the small sector of the map depicting your locale, 
and instantly know the degree of danger that currently exists in your 
locale. Thus, you can thoughtfully devise your own plan for escaping 
from, or protecting yourself within, a possible structural collapse.

If you wish to report an earthquake warning sign, please click on 
the blue tab bar where it reads: "Report an Earthquake Warning Sign".
Although there is nothing but gratitude for those who submit this
vital information, some people wish to remain anonymous, anyway.
For those who seek anonymity, you may use your first name and
substitute your middle name for your last name. As long as the name
blanks are filled in, automated spambots cannot submit erroneous

The Quake Sensing Project (QSP) is on-line and operational at:

         webmaster and seismic analyst - Sherwood Ensey,  
              web site publicist - John DiNardo


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