Science - Seers (The Two Patricks)

My children, I come to renew My Creation and remove all that science has done to help in the destruction of all life, with their false knowledge. Children, this earth stands on the brink of the destruction of all life. The scientists of this world think they understand life, as they mess with the very building blocks of creation. They change plant life and flesh with their blind knowledge, to the point of no return. I can see what has been done, life has been disrupted on this earth. Many of your vaccines and medicines cross the forbidden boundaries of creation. They have used the blood of the innocent in their experiments and now that blood has been thrust into the greatest majority of mankind, through your medication, your vaccines. So much is hidden but I see all and soon you will see the results of what they have done. Indeed, already much can be seen but is not recognised. Trust Me and make ready. Trust, I Love you.


14 July 2024

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  • To reduce the population, per the Georgia Guide Stones.  To be fair, when vaccines first came into use, they were used to heal. 

  • Many people are not aware of what Pharmafia puts in their vaccines and medicines.  It is diabolical.

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