
  • Your probably right.

    Kim B said:

    Imo they were idiots for building that dam.  It is in a very active earthquake zone.  Plus the millions of people down river.  I am thinking tptb did this on purpose so if a huge quake wipes it out it will take out millions.  Evil.

  • Imo they were idiots for building that dam.  It is in a very active earthquake zone.  Plus the millions of people down river.  I am thinking tptb did this on purpose so if a huge quake wipes it out it will take out millions.  Evil.

  • If China thinks they can purchase the food to feed their people they are not paying attention to the massive crop loses around the world. Even the survival food industry in America is running out of many items.

    Jim Haas said:

    China is done for, agriculturally......

  • China is done for, agriculturally......

  • 400 million people and a billion pounds of crops  will be gone.

    Kim B said:

    The 3 gorges dam is at risk for giving way.  I hear if it does one of the places that would be hit hard is Wuhan where that Laboratory is....

  • The 3 gorges dam is at risk for giving way.  I hear if it does one of the places that would be hit hard is Wuhan where that Laboratory is....

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