The Weather Channel Confirms Jesus's Prophesy

The Weather Channel just announced that volcanic ash in the skies 
during last night's lunar eclipse caused the Moon to appear red. 
Understand that when 140 volcanoes worldwide fill the skies with 
ash, everyone everywhere will see the Moon as "turning to blood." 
     ~~  The Book of REVELATION, Chapter 6  ~~ 
  {Around 95 A.D., John, the Apostle, wrote that The Christ of God 
   gave him this vision and the following words to write down}
12 "And I beheld when he {Jesus} had opened the sixth seal, and, 
lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as 
sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;" 
  {JD: Since the Sun is much farther away than the Moon, Nibiru's 
gravitationally captured iron-oxide dust cloud must be so broad 
in its sweep between Earth and the Sun that the Sun will be 
completely masked by this iron-oxide dust cloud and also by 
the much thinner volcanic ash cloud that will envelop the Earth.} 

    ~~  (800 B.C.) The Book of JOEL, Chapter 2  ~~ 
31 "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, 
before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.  32 And it shall 
come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD
shall be delivered:"

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  • This could be the "blood moon".  We won't know for sure till more shtf with earth changes plus the appearance of the second sun needs to occur.   Reason I say could be, is because the Divine might delay again. 
  • Just my two cents :)
  • It turned red because of the light refracting back towards the earth is filtered through the ash cloud.....not uncommon....and yes it can occur at other times without the ash in the air. Most commonly this happens during a lunar eclipse where the Earth blocks all light falling directly on the Moon from the Sun.  Some light leaks around the Earth through the atmosphere and the blue wavelengths are filtered out by the gases and dust.....This happens during a lunar eclipse where the Earth blocks all light falling directly on the Moon from the Sun. Some light leaks around the Earth throug the atmosphere and the blue wavelengths are filtered out by the gases and dust..

  • moon appeared to be red bcoz of eclipse and it was announced far prior that moon will turn blood red!! It was not like moon turned red bcoz of volcanic ash then and there
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