This is a terrible thought… but, has anyone else

Thought the CA fires have a deeper spiritual meaning. Things recently brought to light.. P Diddy, child trafficking, the whole leftist agenda. Perhaps the Creator has had enough. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?

Anyway, like I said, not a nice thought, but seems enough is enough. What say you?

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  • The whole world is guilty, hence the Apocalypse, because ye persecuted the second Messiah(the second God) . All must die....

    • "Luke 19:44 they will dash you and the children inside your walls to the ground; they will leave not one stone standing on another within you, because you did not recognise the moment of your visitation.'"


      • "Luke 17:24 for as the lightning flashing from one part of heaven lights up the other, so will be the Son of man when his Day comes. Luke 17:25 But first he is destined to suffer grievously and be rejected by this generation"


        "Luke 17:30 It will be the same when the day comes for the Son of man to be revealed."


    • There is only God....

  • it is close to the Great Tribulations and the Great Warning...

    • "Rev 12:12 So let the heavens rejoice and all who live there; but for you, earth and sea, disaster is coming --because the devil has gone down to you in a rage, knowing that he has little time left."

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