Watch the first ten minutes, it covers Love and Fear watch the rest also it is informative.

Take a moment to pause and consider 
why it is that we're here on Earth? Is 
it to spend our entire lives working to 
pay the interest on the national debt? 
Or to line the pockets of criminal 
bankers? Or to acquire as many as 
trinkets and toys as possible?

Does anyone honestly believe "he who 
dies with the most wins?" Are we here 
to run on a proverbial hamster wheel? 
If this is the reason we're here then 
why are the most pleasurable things in 
life the things that are free?

Some people would have us believe that 
our purpose in life is to work, multiply 
and die, or to just entertain our five 
senses, and of course to pay our taxes. 
This is hardly a reason for incarnating on 
Earth. We've incarnated here for a 
greater purpose.

We are here to love and to be loved, and 
the truth is, love is the answer to all the 
elements that plague our society.

Government corruption is the rule, rather 
than the exception, internationally, and it's 
been so since the beginning of recorded 
history. Corporations are running 
uncontrolled and out of hand destroying 
people's lives, communities, countries and 
the planet itself. We are drowned in anxiety, 
despair and light entertainment. People 
have been kept distracted on purpose, 
they've been kept in war on purpose, and 
they've been divided on purpose.

This film seeks not only to uncover the 
conspiracies which undermine our 
governments and societies but also to 
examine the nature of reality and in doing 
so offers some solutions to rectify the 
paradigm in which we are living. 

I don't buy everything said here, hook, line 
and sinker but I do think it is a valuable 
reasonably accurate reflection of the truth.

The film features interviews with David Icke, 
Max Igan, Freeman, Jordan Maxwell, 
Dr. George Rhodes, Ben Stewart and 
Charlie Veitch.

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