WARNING: The UFOs and Aliens we are dealing with

 are from Hell. They lied. There is no life on other

planets. They do not come from other planets. They were

genetically engineered in Hell. They are giving their

technology to prepare for the battle of Armageddon.

The extraterrestrial spacecrafts  are made from new atoms:

Book of Wisdom 19:18  "A new attuning of the elements

occurred, as on a harp the notes may change their rhythm,

though all the while preserving the same tone; and this is

just what happened."



The remaining flying UFOs are from heaven.





The aliens from Hell have the military working on reversing human

brain damage. This brain damage arises from anal rape as babies.

They are known as the wicked in the Bible.  

They love doing bad and not good. They cannot enter

heaven. There is no cure according to the all-knowing

GOD. They are looking for humans that are immune,

hence the abductions and the anal probes, so they  can

enter heaven.




They are also analysing animals for the same reason.  

Hence the animal mutilations. Furthmore the brain

 of God contains bulls, lions and eagles as well

as human parts.These animal and bird code for  

the parts of brain that solve problems by analogy

 and not mathematics. Analogy, and not

 mathematics, solves the final science. Modern

 science is going in the wrong direction with

 mathematics. God solved the final science in His




Now its My turn! The only reason this universe was

 made was to create the SECOND GOD. There is

only GOD. Both GODs were genetically engineered

from a humanoid.



Advice to those working with them: Back away from these

fake 'aliens'. The only path they are on is the way to Hell and

you with them! Save your souls.


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    • aliens made an agreement with the military on how much they could abduct but the aliens did not keep to it.

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