Ok the msg from Sananda is that they for a while was keeping the skys clean!
They stopped so that we can get evidence from the Snow!
The Snow has Chemicals in it! These Chemicals come from the Chem-Trails Planes spraying these junk on us!
The Shadow gov(cabal) (Illuminati) what ever they are called, are doing it, and already have vaccines for the illness that it causes so to make them rich thou the Pharma companies.
Now it is are turn, we need video's of everybody from everywhere going out getting a Snowball and trying ti melt it showing that it is full of Chemicals, put them on utube, send to your Senators, Congressman, to the DOD and ask them why are they letting us The People of USA to be assaulted?
This is a crime and it is a crime to the Planet,Animals, Oceans, and The Trees everything is being assaulted!
This will be stopped. Soon hopefully. Hurry up Illumination!
The Chemtrail Planes where not stopped just that the chems coming out were transformed to water vapor during that time!
Here is what is being poured out of those Chemtrail Planes: