
  • today's video

    6-3-2011 Stage Is Set - Missouri River Flooding - Mississippi River Flooding - Now The (West Coast?)




    desertrose said:

    More  interesting  information


    6-2-2011 Stage Is Set - Governor Urges Evacs - New Madrid - Nuclear False Flag???



    6-2-2011 Stage Is Set part (2) - FEMA in Montana - Floods - E Coli Outbreak.

  • lol,  msred,  I  can so totally  relate!!

    msred said:

    I'm in the process of listening to the series, dr... long, kind of drags, because they seem to be chatting a lot.

    Watched the new vids you posted and whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm jumping at every noise I hear!!!!!!!!

    June 3rd - we're into it now... if we aren't affected by this or the June 1-4 eclipse, I'm going to go have a good stiff drink and treat myself to something special (oh, and I don't drink... but this is so scary - bad word choice, but all I can think of - it makes me want one).

  • I'm in the process of listening to the series, dr... long, kind of drags, because they seem to be chatting a lot.

    Watched the new vids you posted and whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm jumping at every noise I hear!!!!!!!!

    June 3rd - we're into it now... if we aren't affected by this or the June 1-4 eclipse, I'm going to go have a good stiff drink and treat myself to something special (oh, and I don't drink... but this is so scary - bad word choice, but all I can think of - it makes me want one).

  • More  interesting  information


    6-2-2011 Stage Is Set - Governor Urges Evacs - New Madrid - Nuclear False Flag???



    6-2-2011 Stage Is Set part (2) - FEMA in Montana - Floods - E Coli Outbreak.

  • I  found  this   video  series  from  Red Ice  Radio interviewing Dennis McKenna on Time Wave Zero  a project  he  worked on  with  his   brother  Terrence.


    RIR-D.McKenna-Timewave Zero, Terrence & the Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss 1/5.mp4



    msred said:

    Thank you so much, desertrose... if nothing else, that was interesting. I think someone (with world knowledge and history - and time) should try placing the graph on a timeline again... and NOT use the end date as 12/21/2012 (considering some have brought forward the Mayan calendar end-date to Nov 2011). Life IS math. Math IS life. I wouldn't totally discount McKenna's findings, just his application. Interesting, very interesting. Anycahoo, thanks again for finding that YouTube. Much appreciated.

    And the Mussad / M055AD - gave me chills! (I'm going to go find that thread and link it here.

  • This was a video (trailer for the TV production, Jericho) JERICHO - preconditioning us for ???

    that was embedded in a post started by Jason, link: EarthChanges College: Jason's Discussion Thread

  • lol,  synchronicity ,  ,mayhaps ?


    Thanks ,  Keith!!

    Keith H said:

    Out of curiosity did a google search on M055AD. Got some interesting results. Someone on Facebook saw the same connection.


  • Can't find the thread... maybe it was in some of my other readings.

    This really gives me the heeby-geebies, for some reason... like you, Keith, I did a search on M055AD,as well as  mussad, mossad, even 1055 a.d. ... yep, interesting findings... still reading. (It's been around for awhile, now.)


    Just playing with M055&AD...

    M = 1000 or I V I

    055 Brigade

    AD = year of our Lord;  a.d.s.a d council

  • Thank you so much, desertrose... if nothing else, that was interesting. I think someone (with world knowledge and history - and time) should try placing the graph on a timeline again... and NOT use the end date as 12/21/2012 (considering some have brought forward the Mayan calendar end-date to Nov 2011). Life IS math. Math IS life. I wouldn't totally discount McKenna's findings, just his application. Interesting, very interesting. Anycahoo, thanks again for finding that YouTube. Much appreciated.

    And the Mussad / M055AD - gave me chills! (I'm going to go find that thread and link it here.

  • You  know  it  may  just  be  me  and  an  overactive imagination.  However,  when I  first  read  the list where  it  says MO55AD.  My  mind  kept  saying  Mossad.  Yeah  ,  I  know .  I  have  been  watching  too many Illuminati  videos , lol.  But  that  is  what  my  brain  kept  interpreting  when I  read  it .  :S
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