What is Activator X?

What is Activator X?

Activator X is a fat-soluble substance similar in structure to vitamin A.

Dr. Weston A Price was a dentist who was fascinated by diet and nutrition. He suspected that the western diet of sugar, processed flours and pasteurized milk was to blame for disease, decaying teeth, and early mortality. In the 1930's he traveled around the world and visited thriving primitive cultures to learn their nutritional wisdom. His classic book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, is must reading by anyone who is interested in improving their diet.

Food has been intentionally 'weaponized" since the 1970's...a protein called Gliadin had been added to wheat to weaponize it...Gliadin mimics the hormone that your thyroid needs to pull in. Gliadin locks into your thyroid so that you always feel hungry.

Grain is compromised.

The Gliadin Effect

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