
Why?! A beautiful day here in glasgow today! There was not a cloud in the sky! There are now! Three straight line clouds! Full of aluminium, barium and whatever other chemical takes their fancy. The clouds are long, lingering, unnatural, you guys all know exactly the type I'm talking about! Now I live on the flight path to the airport, for crying out loud I know which way they fly, which direction the path can be altered and the difference between a contrail & a chemtrail! These planes are not on the conventional path. Why? Why?!...... Are they spraying us?! ...... Why?! ...... Is there a need to hide the sky?! (Directly when the sun will move throughout the day?!) Why?!! And what?! Are they hiding in the sky?! Are they spraying us with?! And Who feels the need and urgency to do this today?! Please keep an eye out and keep asking questions?!


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  • Am not sure but the more u research the more I don't like!
    Have you heard or looked into Morgellons Syndrome yet?!
  • thy were spraying large oblongs in multiple circuits over the Menai Straights yesterday, about a twenty square mile area. God alone knows why. pilot having fun perhaps???

  • * slippy
  • Thank you! A fantastic link!

    Quick point, the temp here has not raised above -2 for a few days! As I remember walkin to school the ice was different, puddles frozen and sloppy. Today the ice is like a powder!
  • http://educate-yourself.org/cn/index.shtml

    the greenish I believe is a planet

  • Yes I know the route.
    As toady is 12/12/12, I think what ever operation is goin on up there to hide the sky is in full swing!
    But I do think its happening earlier & earlier every day!
    It should have been a beautiful day here but the sky is BLANKETED! Out my back window which faces south east where the sun is at the moment, I can partly see an orangey/red sky near the sun. Then blue surrounding it! If it was clearer I would take a few pics!
    Out the front, over the hills the planes have been turning! And part white chemical and a brilliant blue sky that hasn't been Bastardised, excuse my launguage as this is the only word to describe the sky in Scotland at the mo.
    Also 2 black, unmarked helicopters just flew past!

    Now a bit explaining, when I was 25, I decided that I was going to end up working in a pub/restaurant all my life which scared the daylights out of me!! So there was an advert in the national newspaper for a job, Fancy a Challenge? Work Tax free? Etc etc to go and work either in Afgan or Iraq as a civvi, on the military base, in the brittish NAFFI, in a cafe for the soldiers.

    So I went, to Basra, Iraq in oct 08 - feb 09! I am so glad I did because it opened my eyes sooo much!
    I will need to try and find pics of the sky - beautiful! Clear Blue!

    So please don't think for a minute that when I'm talkin about Chemtrails, that its not that important in-relation with this 21/12.

    It is, as well as fearmongering, brainwashing, disinformation!

    Now I make my mind up about what I read and know we never get the full story! I make my own opinion and judgments!

    The sun is very powerful and at the moment the rays are extremely strong, bursting through chemical clouds! So consider this for a moment!

    Consider Haarp and its capabilities, and consider the earths magnetic shield is weakened!

    Consider the chemicals in the chemtrail clouds and how they could be charged?!

    Consider nothing under the sun is new and has been here before (weather modification, lost book of Enki).

    All I want to do is provoke thought and discussion. I don't want to preach!

    At the moment I am trying to think of a way to get as many people as I possibly can, in my local area, even just to wake up to chemtrails which I think is a good starting point to open eyes as it is visible everyday!

    But You Can't Tell Someone Something They Don't Want To Hear!!!
  • they are still doing it over Angelesy here, have been for years, you should see some of the photos I took, absolute classics, really. I can even tell you the route, thye come fro over from Northern Ireland, over the Welsh mountains almost,  but then they turn right and begin another left turn I think it is over Nantwich or so thus doing a circuit of sorts. . unbelievable.   I have seen this, am always looking at the skies.

  • It was bad here yesterday too. Got up and very clear blue sky,but when I left at 9:30 it was covered in chemtrails. 12:00 hardly any blue sky to be seen.

  • I always have a few colorful metaphors for those morons who spray chemtrails all over our skies.  

    I don't know what the green thing is.  

  • I thought the green thing was a reflection from the glass so I opened the window?! Any one
    Shed any light?!


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