"If it is a variant of leprosy, will the establishment come up with a fake toxic deadly innoculation to force everyone to take it? That is what I am concerned about."
"Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and your holy city, for putting an end to transgression, for placing the seal on sin, for expiating crime, for introducing everlasting uprightness for setting the seal on vision and on prophecy, for…
""My refuges will be protected from this comet by My angels just as Noah’s ark was protected from the flood. Then I will recreate the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace when you will be young again and live a long time.” - February 18,…"
Thank you I’m stoked about exploring all the info in this group and on this page. It’s nice to find like minded people who think.
https://earthchanges.ning.com/group/survivalinformation/forum/topics... some links may not work!