Advanced Catastrophism | Q and A Oct.14.2022

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  • Some of this guy's statements are pure B.S., Paul.  The part where he says chemtrails are next to nothing, is simply a lie.  They are thick.  They do linger.  They do take many hours, if not days, to dissipate.  Modern jet aircraft have what is known as high bypass, or turbo fan engines, as compared to the older turbojet engines. Much air and relatively little fuel go through these newer engines.  They make very little, to no "vapor trails".  With around 90 years of jet engine development, do you not think that countries would not have developed engines that left very little to no vapor trails?  If the enemy could SEE you first, due to your vapor trail, you'd be shot down. (basic common sense)  Engine development has led to nearly vapor free exhaust on these planes.  Besides that, one can see the planes turning the spray on and off at will.  Chemtrails are thick.  They last a long time.  They're being used by the military for a variety of secret programs.  This guy is mixing in some truth, with a multitude of lies, to help minimize peoples' concerns over the chemtrails and the corresponding health issues they manifest.....

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