Breaking News! The Sun was eclipsed by Huge Unidentified Object - March 2, 2013
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Not a hoax, but not a giant UFO either: It's the Spring eclipse season.
Spaceweather carried it too:
More Sun anomalies (or is that LIES):
I agree with your conclusion Cheryl. If real, surely many would have noticed the dip in the sun's light (even though it could have been quite quick - almost half the sun's surface is covered) - but I haven't heard/seen any corroborating reports.
Too hard to tell. Could have been holding up something to cast a shadow. Doesn't mean it was huge, either. Could be something small close to the camera. No date/time stamp on the NASA images so I checked the EIT304 camera for March 2, 2013, and there is nothing. This camera only captures images twice a day. The shadow occludes the solar disk at differing distances on the different cameras. My vote is hoax.