Confirmation of Planet X Orbit!!!

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This has to be IT! Coordinates match, axis shifts match, ancient myths match!!! This has to be the orbit of Planet X/Nibiru! If you would like to support thi...

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  • Interesting piece of information Amrah.  We truly do not know which channel is real or not, however we must take the information and wait to see what happens.  If it is authentic, then time will tell.  I am always on the fence with a channeler or a visionary until I see proof.  For example, we know Our Lady of Peace (Pedro Regis) is authentic due to the incredible track record. Also, one must remember the future is not written in stone completely, and that with the creator all things are possible.  

    Yes getting rid of the dark energies of this world right now would be wonderful.  

  • While i would like to believe what this Tolec is saying? I am highly skeptical of any channeled entity. Revelations in the Bible is mostly about Nibiru and or wormwood, as well as the many effects decribed in the vials. The great red dragon is Either Nibiru or Wormwood. Yes revelations is also about an antichrist and the return of Jesus Christ. I wont go to deeply into the Biblical issues, but Nibiru was also what caused santorini to explode and resulting tidal wave that destroyed the minoan civilization on Crete. Exodus 1645 B.C. same plagues happened to the Egyptions as are in the vials of revelations? Then there is the Kolbrin Bible, a very interesting book describing alot about the cyclical arrival of Nibiru. These are just a small part of the evidence, there is much more if you study this intently! This video seems to be correct in as much as it portrays. Your perception of this matter is only as good as the amount of information you have ingested and correlated.  Ive studied this intently for years and all the evidence adds up! The truth is out there, and yes there still is alot anyone can do to prepare. Had not the Vatican and the governments of this world lied to mankind 60 years ago. And still do lie!  We of this planet would have been alot more prepared and possibly had much more peace than all of those illuminatti wars that were played upon us by those of the Darkness. Now some people want to believe that it will be the photon belt that is to blame or an alignment with the center of the galaxy? There is some proof and possibilty that all three will come into play this time. You believe whatever makes you happy! I have already made up my mind! And know that trying to prepare is still the best option that can be accomplished. Physically and Spiritually.

  • I have admitted that I am not a follower of PX.  Now, if this video is true, it would be amazing!!!  Time will tell shortly.  Thank you for an interesting video!!  :)

  • Stating that it has to be the right one hell of a statement but who knows, you may just be right.....

    Either way not much we as little ants can do about its orbit regardless of where it may be....

  • video from 9nania. How credible?

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