Feb 14 WSO Update - SOHO EYEBALL? South Pole US Station Bug Out? Pics from World

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Wow...just wow. SOHO showed us an eyeball in space that compares strangely with previous NASA leaks. The images from South Pole US Station are just stunning,...

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  • It's not a mystery.  Back in 2009, the Spanish Astronomers documented a celestial object known as Hellion-1957 that looked like that.  See http://apocalyptichousewife.angelfire.com/hellion1957.html.  Don't know if it's the same object, but the Spanish astronomer's shared their data about Hellion-1957: 

    20090816_0318_c3_512.jpgThe red cloud in Portugal looks suspiciously like a cloaked UFO.  However, the other red sunsets (like the one in Tel Aviv) look like natural phenomena.  I hesitate on calling it iron oxide because decades ago, I was seeing some spectacular red sunsets in southern California.  What makes it different now?  So, the jury is still out on the red iron oxide theory.  However, if these passing orbitals are part of the dust cloud PX is allegedly enshrouded within, then it would logically follow that if the orbitals are here, so is the dust cloud.  So, it's possible. 

    Antarctica being evacuated.  Hmmm.  It's possible.  I think the NASA images are corroborating the large orbs being labeled as second suns.  There is definitely activity going on in the solar neighborhood.  I don't think it's PX yet, but possibly the pre-game show, of all its connected orbitals beginning to pass through.  If NASA isn't scrubbing the images and Antarctica is possibly evacuating, these could be signs that the cover-up can't be maintained any longer and it's time to skedaddle to safer places.  In any event, keep preparing.

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