Massive CO Clouds Over West Coast/Earthquake Watch!!

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Could this be the early warning for a Mega-West Coast Quake. http://www.BPearthWatch.Com

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  • I just looked at Yamkins blog and there sure are a lot of animal deaths and we know there are lots of undersea volcanoes.

  • The way the seals died, the babies still connected by embryonic cord would support this IMO. 

  • Maybe we have been looking in the wrong direction so instead of methane and radiation causing all the animal deaths it could be carbon monoxide.

  • Yamkin's blog is showing multiple volcanic eruptions recently along with dead Sea creatures (seals ) indicating a sudden  poisoning of the ocean.

  • here is another good one UPDATE: Carbon Monoxide Gases On West Coast Getting

  • Another site I trust  Major Carbon Monoxide Explosion West Coast !!!

  • I have been following the information as best as I can and some of the research says the CO is also a precursor to volcanoes. This is not likely to be covered by MSM. The election circus is beyond belief already. 

  • I followed the link. If this is a precursor to another major quake, it will put the presidential elections in even more chaos.

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