nibiru, planet x???

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17h00pm, n-e, 18dec2010

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  • EDINA, As my family still did not believe in 2012, will surely stay with themuntil the end, I know that the probability is 99% seem, I'm doing the least milk add water, cans of sardines buoys etc., once again thankthe support of all of you who are very 
  • Thanks Ernani!!!!  As things begin to happen, I think you will see people open up more.  Opportunities to help may open up...
  • EDINA, thank you for those words, the Brazilian people is still very alienated on 2012, pole shift, nibiru, solar flares.
    The subject is treated with irony in Brazil, about Nibiru'm sure we'll see him in the fall and winter in the southern hemisphere, around May and September.
    Any information about the disaster in Brazil Nibiru or post here thank you!
  • Ernani, I see what you're talking about here, especially when you focussed on what appears to be a dot/orb between the horizon and the sun. 

    Thanks for posting this, and I would be interested if you continue to post these sort of finds.  We've begun to think carefully about what we are seeing, and to be cautious of jumping to conclusions.  However, since it is common knowledge that there is huge interest about some object coming at us from the south, it is very likely that you will see it way before any of us. 

    Anything, you share with us, we will all appreciate.

    I'm curious, what do you feel it is?  And of course, since you are probably tracking this sort of thing, I'd like to know more about how the people in Brazil are responding to the ongoing earth changes?  How are your prep plans?  Are you stymied on any sort of problem you need to solve in your prep plans.  If so, maybe there is something someone here might know to help you out.

    Again, thanks for the share!!!!

  • Hard to tell.  If it was taken in the southern hemisphere then maybe.  If it was taken in the northern hemisphere, then probably it isn't.
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