
  • I'm sorry to hear that, Kim.  I just found a receipt from the $ Tree here and all items were $1 - they have eggs, cheese - no milk though yet.  The store is always busy.
  • Yes Dollar General does not have much that is a dollar. :p  There is a dollar tree in gettysburg, but it is a farther run, and it is very small so thus not much to choose from (not many frozen groceries).  If hubby doesn't find a job soon, there will be NO $$$ for even the Dollar Tree.



  • hmmm. . . I'll double check our store on the prices, Cheryl.  However, the store here doesn't sell Barilla (which can be a higher priced brand), they have a generic brand called Columbia.
  • Joan, I find 1# Barilla Spaghetti at Family Dollar for $1.35.  Not everything at Family Dollar is a dollar any longer.

    There is a Dollar Tree next to the Wal-Mart 20-something miles away.  I'll check it out next time I'm there.

  • I never thought of the Dollar Tree.  I will have to check it out.
  • If you have a Dollar Tree (yes, everything is $1.00), they have groceries now; frozen veggies and other frozen goods, breads, baking supplies, spices, paper products - loads of stuff we use.  In fact, my sister-in-law from Italy (owns a restaurant) loved their pasta.  I find both the Family $ and $ General more expensive than $ Tree. ;)

  • Sign of the times, Pat.

    Will they take the coupons from the newspapers, Kim?  Better than nothing.

  • I am lucky, we have a Dollar General right across the railroad tracks from us. Within walking distance.  They take coupons there.  They should of built a bigger store though, because you have a hard time finding a parking space and always crowded.
  • As to coupons, there are certain grocery stores that refuse to take internet coupons (one store being the closest to me unfortunately).  Dorks.

    I have been shopping more at Dollar General.  However I have to run out more gas to get to it as it's farther away than my local store (the one that refuses to take internet coupons). 


  • We have one in town, but I go to Family Dollar for canned goods.  I think the dollar stores are becoming the new Wal-Mart.  The price of gas to go 20 miles to get to Wal-Mart makes it not worthwhile to shop out of town.

    What they track is buying if they sell 100 cans of Campbell's tomato soup, they like to know if one or a few buy them, or if it is spread out amongst a lot of people.  The latter is more reason to keep stocking that much.  The former could be a one-time, buying for the year kind of thing and they don't want to get stuck with too much inventory.

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