
  • Something else interesting.

    Yasser Arafat claimed to be born on Aug 4th. yet records show he was born 24th. Aug 4th is also Obama's birth date.

    Recall both received the Nobel Peace Prize..

    Arafat died on 11/11/04...which will mark 7 years in 11/11/11..  

  • Yes, true...would be an awesome thing to do!!!
  • I just saw the trailer for this movie again...

    We ought to have an 11.11.11/11:11 Party... a party of light

  • Something to think about.....The 7 year count down... 

    This year on 11/11/11 begins the 7 year march to 11/11/18 which is the 100 year anniversary of Armistice Day.

    2018 is also the 70 year anniversary of the state of Israel....also Easter falls on April Fool's Day in 2018....

  • Sorry Alex..

    The information was from another website "not this Ning"...there are some strange things about the date as I have shown...

    The Vatican has to be into astronomy/ they do have their own observatory research center..

    What I find odd is the date...November which the Fourth Lateran Council made the ruling concerning the devouring of the flesh and blood of the son..on the transit of saturn.... 

    It kinda all falls into place with the story of JC if you read the history concerning the ancient Roman religion, of the saturn god and venus the morning star of the celtics...called Angus..funny that Taurus the bull's ruling planet is Venus..

    Have you ever eaten at black Angus steak house???......Everything has it's origins..LOL

    In the Roman tradition, in memory of the Golden Age of man, a mythical age when Saturn was said to have ruled, a great feast called Saturnalia was held during the winter months around the time of the winter solstice December 22..

    The Saturn transit 11/11/11/Saturn birth..then comes winter-solstice 12/22...Saturnalia three day celebration until 25th....

    Veteran's Day  11/11/11..

    Armistice Day (also known as Remembrance Day) is on 11 November and commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne, France for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front, which took effect at 11 o'clock in the morning—the "11 hour of the 11th day of the 11th month" of 1918

    Then concerning WWII we have the Venus transit falling on "D-Day" next year....6/6/12.....which is Taurus in the Sidereal Zodiac...

    Things are certainly worth posting if we are lifting the veil of information on what's going on under our noses and what's getting ready to happen....

    Alex Cortes said:
    Some things truly don't need to be posted......
  • Some things truly don't need to be posted......
  • Here's a bit more n the symbolism from the blog.....

    The astro-symbolism such as Virgo the Virgin/virgin mary, the Three Wise Men from the east coming to worship a human child,which is Orion's Belt plus the star, Venus... Then we have the Cardinal Cross, and resurrection, Easter and the December 25th's...Capricorn.. Saturn's son consumption of eating the flesh and drinking the blood,communion/ billions of people eating Saturn's son down here on earth for centuries.... 

    That is simply ancient astronomy/astrology legends that were tied to the JC story...and the same stories have popped-up throughout the world in different religious cultures about other figures.... 

    The message behind all this is, watch the heavens and the cycles of the heaven's that do effect us.. 

    What happens on 11/11/11....the birth of saturn..


    Warning Graphic

    The Tragedy, Cannibalism Reminsicent of Saturn Legend

    April 18, 2011 at 4:12pm

    Saturn or Cronos time reminds us how far weve gotten as a civilized society that holds human life in regard.

    However human history was not always so,  Many Carribean, some African, and  New Guinea tribes were known to eat human flesh.  Christopher Columbus came across a group in the Caribbean and South Americans called the Caniba which is where we get the name from.

    Many Missionaries worked to end the tribal practice but in remote parts of New Guinea, it is said the practice of cannibalism still goes on

     In this particular story, A New Guinea man whose wife adopted a baby girl, loses his sanity and eats the child alive before stunned onlookers.

     This story saddened me severely. In the legends of Saturn, He eats his children so they cannot take his throne. Its a reminder how the passage of time took us from civilizations of the past where this was a accepted practice.

     From February 7, 2011

    RESIDENTS in the township of Tabubil, Western Province New Guinea, are cowering in “horror and fear” after a week-old baby was eaten alive in front of a shell-shocked crowd, allegedly by the father.
    And the shocking act allegedly continued minutes later at Tabubil police station last Thursday in front of curious onlookers, including policemen and the town’s senior district court magistrate, Patrick Monouluk. [...]"





    Goya depicts Saturn feasting upon one of his sons. His child's head and part of the left arm has already been consumed. The right arm has probably been eaten too, though it could be folded in front of the body and held in place by Saturn's crushing grip. The titan is on the point of taking another bite from the left arm; as he looms from the darkness, his mouth gapes and his eyes bulge white with the appearance of madness. The only other brightness in the picture comes from the white flesh,the red blood of the corpse, the white knuckles of Saturn as he digs his fingers into the back of the body, and his piercing eyes, wide with madness.




    Last comment:

    June 26, 2011 at 9:41pm

    It's birth of Saturn on 11/11/11...

    What is special about the Saturn Transit that happens on Nov 11, 2011?

    Saturn moves into the next sign (zodiac sign) approximately once in 2.5 years. This time Saturn exits Virgo (Kanya) and moves over into Libra (Thula). Before reading watch the symbol of Libra. Spend some time on it. Saturn is the planet of Justice. The pros and cons of life. The merits and demerits of the case. Saturn is not only considered very powerful in this sign but also will be in a great mood.

    What does this mean. Think of someone you know. Call him X. This person has moved into a place where he is not only happy but has also become powerful. Let us say this X has become a Minister and the minister is in a place which he loves a lot. What will this Minister do? The answer depends on "To whom". Is it not?

    When someone changes his place or role or attitude that is good for some people and bad for some. For example if a politician comes into power that is good for all those who are in good relationship with him and bad news for others.

    Watch the symbol of Libra. The weighing machine is so much of human nature. Hence this sign is called a human sign. Aries is animal sign because Aries has a mountain ram as its symbol.Taurus is the bull. There are 3 human signs. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These are air signs. Intelligence is of the nature of air. Not staying on one place. Constantly moving.

    So the answer is to the question on what is special about this transit is...

    1. Saturn is entering his sign of Exaltation after a gap of 30 years.
    2. The role of Saturn will be fully experienced because Saturn occupies Libra. Saturn is the karaka for Karma - the judgment planet and Libra is the sign of Judgment as revealed by its sign - the weighing balance. 
    3. Saturn comes into direct aspect of Jupiter and Jupiter aspects Saturn - we call this mutual aspect. Happens once in 15 years.
    4. Jupiter aspect directly Saturn when Saturn is exalted happens once in 60 years.

    Libra represents Judgement day.

    Saturn loves to be in Libra (Thula Rasi) because Saturn rules over judgements and giving justice to the right and honest people and punishment to the  corrupt and evil in the world.


    Before going in the specific effects let us understand general effects of Saturn Transit irrespective of any sign. Once the general effect is known it is easier to grasp what the specific effects will be. We have listed below some of the important general effects.


  • Here is from the blog:

    April 20, 2011 at 11:36am

    The Armistice was signed by world leaders in the 11th hour, on the 11th day, of the 11th month.  Hence the importance of 11:11......Marked the end of WWI

    11:11:11 is Veteran's Day

    11.11.11 is also Lateran's Day

    On 11/11/1215, The "Fourth" Lateran Council meets, defining the doctrine of "transubstantiation".. the process by which bread and wine are, by that doctrine, said to transform into the body and blood of Christ.


    Odd how this movie has a Catholic foundation.. 



    11.11.11-the movie

  • This is very strange..

    11/11 is Veteran Day

    11/11 is Transubstantiation day-claimed by the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215..

    a belief that the wine and bread that Christian eat during sacrement actually becomes the literal flesh and blood of JC....

    Notice the two words:



    Interestingly enough this makes word since, Teran is a red wine in Italy....and when you put the two Ve+La or La+Ve together.... la-ve means-wash...... ve-la means sail/is a southern constellation...

    Washed in the blood/wine..yes very interesting indeed..


  • Not my cup of tea but everyone please enjoy it if you can....

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