12/10/09 NASA Image Captures

PX at 3:00

This image near in time on C3 shows PX nowhere in sight, but who what is that at 3:00?

And what is that at around 9:00???

Back to the 3:00 visitor...you can see PX in the background. Enlarge it to see the moons.

Several green cross captures...

Many noticed the unannounced and unexplained downtime on the C2 and C3 SOHO, a period of 36 hours! Since other images from the SOHO satellite were available, the EIT images of the Sun itself, this was not the cause. The satellite was not due for a roll, which is scheduled maintenance. The downtime was due to consternation at NASA and JPL over what to say about the continuing ppearance of the Planet X complex on the various satellites maintained by the US and its partners. When Planet X blundered into the SOHO red image on December 23, 2007, replete with streaming tail, the establishment decided to pretend it never happened and ignore it. Since many copies of this appearance of Planet X were out and about on the Internet, to withdraw or airbrush that image would imply a cover-up. So they ignored it. But in 2009 these accidents kept coming, with increasing frequency, starting on March 21, 2009 with the dramatic appearance of the Winged Globe. Then the Stereo AHEAD showed Planet X as the Red Cross of yor on December 4-5, 2009. Of course, the many spies out and about on the Internet reported that this too was a flaming subject, another example of how their airbrush programs are failing to keep pace with the bobbling about that the satellites, the Earth, and Planet X are doing these days. Their choices were few - shut down the SOHO and Stereo service, improve the airbrushing programs, or continue to ignore the occasional appearance of Planet X. After heated discussion in smoke filled rooms, the decision was to continue to live with the status quo. An airbrush program requires that Planet X show up in a predictable spot, and not move around as it is. To program for ANY bright spot, at ANY location,interferes with the appearance of planets such as Venus and Mercury or the passage of comets. These too, are not always appearing in predictable spots, due to the bobbling about of the satellites in the turmoil of the eddy flow cup that Earth and its satellites find themselves in at present. What would the public say if Venus were tracking in from the right hand side, then suddenly disappeared, then reappeared? They would say someone was airbrushing the images! Better to say nothing, as they do when the Second Sun appears at dawn or dusk, as they have always done with the12 hour periodic shuddering that occurs on the live seismographs. But for many involved in the cover-up, it was clear that the time was running out on the cover-up. Many made personal plans to retire from their jobs and retire to their safe place, to avoid the anger they anticipate the public will focus on them when their lies are finally revealed. The rats will be leaving the ship.


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