Remember my post Scream Cuisine? If not, see
(Same preparation instructions apply to locusts and crickets. They taste like shrimp, lobster, or crab. Insects, btw, are related to those expensive and delectable seafood. This article says that crawfish and clams are similar to worms. Remove the back legs because they are not digestible. Cook until red. I posted before how to prepare worms. You let them crawl through a bag of flour to purge their guts, etc.)
(This "recipe" advocates boiling them like lobsters or shrimp. Marinate with lemon, garlic & salt.)
(Of course, if you have all the accessories to cook them with, why would you need to be eating them, right? This one advocates freezing them, then dredging them in milk and bread crumbs, then frying them in oil.)
Here's a recipe for Vietnamese Wormburgers. Just keep repeating to yourself "bean paste" when they are being "beaten until thick." Note: use earthworms, as they are generally safe, but heat to kill any germs that may be on them.
As to the ability of earthworms to clean your circulatory system, see So for those of us growing older, this might be a way to keep heart healthy.