An Explanation About LASCO Images

Occasionally, you will see a bright orb with a line through it on C3 images. NASA has this explanation, in its FAQ:

"What can I see in a LASCO image ? What is that bright spot with a line through it ? Is it a planet ?

"This occurs for any object (whether a star or a planet) that is so bright that it is overexposed. The CCD detectors that we use "bleed" electrons along the columns of the CCD when the pixels cannot hold any
more electrons. Chances are that the object is a planet or bright star. A
look at the almanac and a star map will confirm that."

What used to be called Planet X, but turned out to be a UFO doesn't have the line because it isn't a planet, obviously.

Sometimes an object looks like it has a double. This is explained by NASA as "a diffraction off the occulter stem." Note especially in this example that there is a real object there (Venus) but a technical issue causes the appearance of a duplicate object: "Note the "butterfly" shape of Venus in the COR2 image below, caused by
diffraction off the occulter stem.


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