Now is the time to begin your
Ground Crew Ascension Mission.
Join *Project: Eagle Triad* by writing to
janisel @
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Lord Ashtar
To Begin Monday, July 24, 2012 through August 6th, 2012
Greetings, everyone! Once again there are those new to this Project and I would like to give a personal word of welcome to them. Many have answered the call to join with us, and we are happy to welcome more of you who will join when you read this **call.**
As we have told this group before, there are many ways in which we of the higher dimensions can assist your planet at this time in her ascension path, but more often it is you of our groundcrew that we must rely on to complete certain tasks within that mission.
Now, you should be well grounded now, and that is the optimum frequency for doing your next meditation/visualization…grounded to the earth. So before beginning, you are asked to visualize your physical body anchored to the core of your planet.
For the first five minutes, you are to connect to the Source/God Grid *, allowing the energies of excitement, love and great joy fill your being.
* The Source/God Grid: It is a Grid established by your conscious acknowledgment that `Something BIG' is coming. You can't quite describe it or put your finger on `what' that `something' is but you feel it throughout every cell of your Being. That `something', that Energy, that you feel to be coming is, my friends, quite simply `Creator' or `God', however you wish to express it. And so it is this Source Grid or God Grid to which you are connected, and it is your conscious connection to this grid that helps ease the integration of its Energies into the mass consciousness of Earth humanity.
During the second five minutes of this meditation you are to then send those high-vibrational energies into the mass-consciousness grid of Earth. Do not connect to this grid, simply send the energies to it via your intent to do so.
For the last five minutes, you are asked to send the energy of Love to the Heart of Earth, letting her know you support her and are indeed with her during this time of ascension.
That's it for this week, but please set your intent to stay connected to both the God Grid and to the Heart of the Earth as you go about your days ahead. You are each greatly loved and appreciated. I AM Ashtar.
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Also from Ashtar, In His Own Words...
(channeled through Rev Deb of Sananda's Eagles)
Dear ones, my name is Ashtar. I am an etheric being from many, many planets, stars and incarnations. However, for billions of years, I have taken on one project, the project of populating many planets with "Star Seed", and the project of bringing those planets through evolution. Earth is not the only one! Still it was myself, among others, who brought life to Earth in the very beginning and I did this, as did others, mainly through intention and through the process of creation relative to the human being. Now, because the Earth is out of balance and because I have an interest in the people, I come to assist at this time, to see her through the evolution into the Fifth Dimension.
And so, I come as a shepherd, gathering together his sheep safely, carrying the ones who hurt, just being there for all of them, finding the strays and bringing them together. This is my task, at this time, relative to the Earth. Ashtar means "Shepherd". I am Ashtar, shepherd of the Earth. I wish to bring to your awareness another shepherd, for there are many. This shepherd you know very well. His name is Jesus. Jesus was an incarnation on the Earth of a very high being, known to those of the Light as Sananda. This one, of course, you all know personally. He is the one to whom you pray. Jesus. Sananda.
Dearest ones, I work directly under the leadership of Sananda. Therefore, you know and understand that we of the etheric inter-dimensional forces work directly with the Light, with Jesus and with God. Your Heavenly Creator is the one whom we worship, just as you do.
We are working with you as partners, to bring the Earth into a higher dimension. That is what is occurring and is what the Book of Revelation does not say. All of the changes upon the Earth are cleansings to prepare for this and they are explained in Revelation. It would be helpful for you to read that book, the last chapter in the Bible. As you read, you will see and you will understand there are prophesies, and that on the Earth those prophesies are being fulfilled right now. I give you these words with much love, dear ones. I give you these words in order to bring understanding to your heart.
I bring you these suggestions so you will be able to look deeper and understand better. I wish to thank you at this time...all of you who are of the stars...who are awakening to the reality that is not in the history books. These realities are coming through in the form of channelings, realizations, insights and dreams. Dear ones, I suggest that you get together with others of your philosophy, either by postal mail, by email, or in person, so you can discuss these matters, and thereby understand more.
Daily, dear ones, invoke the Light upon your entire being, your life, and your loved ones. The White Light is your protection and it is a beam through which we, in the Heaven Worlds, can guide you.
This is Ashtar, helping you with information, as you are ready to receive it.
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Ascension Lessons:
Purpose and Mission
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More from Ashtar...
(as channeled through Rev Deb of Sananda's Eagles
I want to make it very clear up-front that there is only ONE of me - one Ashtar - and that I do and can work in and through several members of my 'Command'. Yes, dearest ones, there is a 'Command' which bears my name, but perhaps not in the same vein as you have chosen to view it. Now, this is ground which has been covered and explained many times before, not only by me but through our dear sisters Tuella and Thedra as well as others. This 'organization', if you would prefer to call it that, is not a 'Command' as one is viewed from a third-dimensional consciousness. Perhaps you could choose to see it as a tightly-knit group of the angels and Masters, come together under Source, and working for Earth and mankind under a banner of Love. You realize, of course, that these angels and Masters include those who have chosen to be on Earth at this time. I am the 'figurehead', so to speak, of this organization since it bears my name. And, yes, it is a 'Command' - a Command of Love - Love for the Creator and Love for All Creation.
We in the Higher Realms, as well as those of my Command presently on Earth, do not constitute any sort of 'cult'. We work for the Good of All, under All That Is, serving and carrying out the Divine Blueprint. In order to do this, I, Ashtar, work through many of the Earth-based members of my Command. I am not the 'sole property' of any one Being or group, nor does an initial contact which took place nearly fifty years ago give any one individual, group, or estate, what they may see as 'exclusive rights' to my communiqués with the peoples of Earth. I have several messengers upon this plane, as do others in my Command, and each one is used to bring forth pertinent information from us as is deemed appropriate at the time.
It is our greatest desire that all those through whom we are currently speaking will work together in a spirit of Oneness, Love and cooperation. We have many mouthpieces, and no one person, on Earth or 'otherwise', can claim exclusive rights to our words. We work with and through those we have seen to be, and who have proved themselves to be, an open and loving channel of pure Heart and intent. We do, and will continue, to work closely with these awakened Earth-based members of my Command. We have a job to do… a Divine Function… as do you, and we will continue to employ all means, ways, and messengers at our disposal to do so, in the most expedient manner possible. And so be it. I am Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command, through one of MY chosen messengers.
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Ascension Lessons:
Purpose and Mission
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Recruiting Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Indigos -- Join our global family for daily meditations to ASCEND the planet. Our meditations are sent to our three-person teams in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English. -- Please write to janisel @ to begin your Ascension Mission today!
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Ashtar's Trinity Purpose and Mission
(Project: Eagle Triad)
I came into this world with a very specific purpose.
I came to fulfill a Mission. I came to love life and realize the truth about me. I came to contribute to the salvation of this world. |
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The Purpose and Mission of Ashtar's Trinity, as was explained to us by Sananda, is to unite two 'camps'… those on the ascension path with those connected to the Space Brotherhood. They are related and cannot be separated anymore than 'Heaven' can be separated from 'the Heavenly Hosts'. They are not only one and the same, but neither would exist without the other. The Space Brotherhood, under the direction of the Ashtar Command, ARE, by and large, the 'Heavenly Hosts' referred to in all sacred scripture. Our job, therefore, is to show the correlation and Oneness of these two Realities.
Another of our prime purposes is to bring in higher frequencies of energy and clearer information through our channelings and Services that we offer. Both of us have extended our Contracts on Earth to accomplish this task and are both here to be of service to all. We have worked diligently with Ashtar and the Ashtar Command on preparing ourselves for our Mission and for this work, being committed to the principles of Unconditional Love, Universal Brotherhood and Ascension for the people on this planet and the planet herself. Within the pages of this website, as you read the words, you will feel the energies come upon you. This is by Ashtar's design to assist each person who reads these words and to assist them in their spiritual growth.
One of our first tasks under Ashtar's direction was to inlay a new grid around the Earth which would be anchored here in Sedona, Arizona. This has been accomplished. This new grid, as well as others that have since been established through Project: Eagle Triad, are for the purpose of escalating the Ascension processes on Earth. These 5th dimensional grids, as well as others, will assist in ushering in the needed cleansing of Mother Earth and the mass consciousness of this planet. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension or beyond, and those who are ready shall follow. To help facilitate this, we have been directed by Ashtar to not only coordinate a Light Grid project for the transmutation of mass consciousness negativity, but to become involved in the channeling, publishing, and teaching of Ascension Lessons and Master's Classes from Sananda.
This is a most critical time for this planet, as we are moving higher in vibrational frequency and moving into a new Reality. It is important to remember that the time has come for each and every one of us to begin to 'Walk the Talk'. There is no more time to simply straddle the fence. It is time to make a choice and begin our Missions. Each person who commits to this process has a profound affect on the planet and all those who live upon her.
Both of us have walked our spiritual paths for many, many years, and have prepared ourselves for this moment in time. Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Buddha, Quan Yin, Metatron, El Morya and Melchizedek have all had a hand in bringing us together for this monumental undertaking. We have committed ourselves to our Mission of working together to assist the peoples of Mother Earth and the Earth herself in this process of Ascension. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our Creator in this way.
Love and Blessings, in Oneness,
Janisel and RevDeb
Sananda's Eagles
I will definitely do it. Thank you very much J'Tariah EnRa El.
J'Tariah EnRa El
You'll make it! Call on St. Germain three times to surround you with Violet Flames to transmutate the energies into love and light. :)
It is very hard to stay focus when negativity is so strong.