When FB warned me that someone from the middle east was trying to hack into my page, I tried to delete my account and couldn't find a way to do so.  The only thing I could do was deactivate it, with all content intact.  Does anyone know how to actually delete an account?

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  • I bet in the small print they claim ownership of our personal information.  I'm not using it any longer.
  • I've had the same problem. I have not found a way yet.

    I read where insurance companies are checking FB if you put in a burglary claim while you were away. If you posted about being out of town they don't have to pay your claim. 

  • There is no other  option.  All you can do is  remove  all  information  from your  profile.  The  content  can also be  removed  but it  can only be achieved  one entry at a time, as  far as  I  can  see  anyway.  The format  was  created  to  make it  very  tedious  to  remove all  traces of your account except  for the  information  stored  directly in  your  profile.
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