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Kim not long age there was a typhoon that was also going to hit Fukushima and it just vanished into thin air I think Cheryl posted that one. Something very strange happened with both of those, I hope it was intervention because each occurrence can't be explained by any weather scientist.
A typhoon cutting itself in half? Sounds like some type of intervention as that typhoon was supposed to slam the fukushima area.
Vickie why don't you add the ice age question to a couple of your QHHT sessions. Archeology shows us that ice ages happen in the blink of an eye and sometimes over thousands of years. Last year was the coldest winter I have experienced here in Idaho and had to buy extra wood twice. Geoengineering can be used for good or bad results as can be seem from 911 when a hurricane was heading directly to NY and made a right turn and went out to sea or last week when a category 5 Typhoon heading to Japan cut its self in half and died so that was good and there are many other examples of good as there are preplanned destruction. Last week I noticed that North Carolina had a very hot bright pink color to it so I expected something was going to happen within 2 days and along comes a Hurricane from out of nowhere. I really doubt if the first day of hurricane season and a HAARP signal are a simple coincidence. I have a feeling the negative and positive time lines are bumping into each other but the positive is pulling ahead.
WOW, I typed a message and the page jumped off. So I will try again. But this time I will make it short. The O-Zone is missing over much of the US and the N Pole . This allows the heat to escape into space. That is why we need a cloud cover, to hold the heat down. Seems to me the only thing we can do is to be prepared for the cold, lots and lots of fire wood. At this point in time it is hard to tell exactly where it will he warm, dry, and safe! But it does look to me like in the movie 2012, Wisconsin (more like Lake Michigan) will be the new North Pole once the crust catches up with the moving North Magnetic Pole.
Dial 1-800 HAARP for this winters forecast. Things may get worse on their own but they are being helped along. Hopefully we will all be in our new home before this winter.
Not surprising.
Byron wilkins said:
No, and what will it do to crops?
Kim B said:
This does not look good for the upcoming 2014 - 2015 winter.
This is the same picture during last winters polar vortexes that drew down the cold air.