Another Crack In The Cover-Up!

A debunking site,, has "gone out of business." Here is the story.

A while back, we heard that this known debunking website was stating that was misusing the word "trimester," a weak attempt to impugn the Zetatalk message (i.e., if they can't even speak English correctly, would you trust them with science?) Weak is too strong of a word actually, more like a last desperate attempt grasping at straws. Here is a screen shot: ZQ1.doc

A rebuttal was posted here Read the blog part first (not the comments, yet).

Then a known debunker rejoined this group for the express purpose of addressing the rebuttal. As you can see, his priority was to argue the definition of the word trimester rather than help forward the purpose of this ning. He was, of course, suspended. Unfortunately, content is deleted when a member is suspended, so there are gaps in the comments. I posted what he said as the last (latest) comment so you can see

After his suspension, he thought he got the last word in by posting his rebuttal on that website. Here is a screen shot: ZQ2.doc

Now, go back to the debunking-the-debunkers blog and read the next to the last comment (the one with all the links proving three four-month divisions of a year are now in public usage as "trimesters," which was posted after the zetasquawk comment personally directed at me.) Sorry, Greco, but that's the way it is.

It is now a month later, and the ever-vigilant Gerard discovered some good news. After reviewing it, I found some shocking (that it was publicized) news. Thus, Gerard and I, besides ROFLOCAO*, are pleased to announce that has been closed down, with the reason being stated as:


a statement you can see directly on that website at now, if you hurry, or on this screen shot: ZQ3.doc


And on May 15th, Nancy got some Zetatalk on it (see below in the Comments), and there is a new screenshot: ZQ4.doc in which the message has changed...corroborating someone is having fun at the funders' expense.

*rolling on the floor laughing our collective ... off :-D Hey, no coarse words, this is a family website!

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