Translated from using

The British newspaper, Telegraph, published today, 26 November 2009, that:

The Bulgarian government scientific officers, including Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, confirmed the investigation, in which extraterrestrial entities contacted, are responding to 30 questions put by government officials from the Space Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The aliens are all around us, and we are looking all the time, said Mr. Filipov told Bulgarian media.  "They are not hostile towards us, rather, want to help, but we have not grown enough, to establish direct contact with them."

Also, he added that humans would not be able to establish direct contact with extraterrestrials through the airwaves of radio telescopes, but through the power of thought and quantum frequencies.

"The human race is certainly going to have direct contact with extraterrestrials widely and directly in the next 10 to 15 years."

"The aliens are critical of the unethical behavior of people in reference to human interference in the processes of nature."

Publication of the BAS researchers report on communication with extraterrestrials comes amid a controversy over the role, feasibility, and the reform of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, which is assumed Exociencia under the UN Decision 33/426.

Certainly, this story is the first official recognition of a State Member of the European Union, effective contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence under Exopolitics relations and the consolidation and reform of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. As you know, Bulgaria is an EU member since 1 January 2007.

In this context, this case resulted last week in a heated debate between the Minister of Finance of Bulgaria, Simeon Djankov, and President Georgi Parvanov, on this and official recognition.

We await the translation of the BAS report to proceed to detailed publication in the coming months.

Source: November 26, 2009.

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