Bumper Crops?

Keith asked on some other blog if anywhere was having bumper crops.  So far, I haven't found any news on that, but I have found several where forecasts are being lowered and droughts and flooding continue.

Brazil's Corn Output Cut 3.7% After Crops Damaged By Frost

Canada Ditches Forecast Of Rise In Wheat Output

20,000 Acres Of Crops Damaged In Renville County, MN

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  • News sites don't like to print positive articles, do they? 

    And I agree with Jim ... statistics can be manipulated.  And corn is mostly GMO now.

    But somewhere in all that, a few are having good crops.  Now, what dishes can we make out of rice and blueberries?

  • Keep in mind that they make the projections look good to keep the economy up.  Ever wonder why with all the people loosing jobs and all the forclousers,prices riseing on everything, etc., the stock market is as high as it is?  It all is and allways has been a controlled farce!  A big game to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. If you put a dollar in the bank and expect it to grow, think again!  They will charge you all kinds of fees to get your dollar.  Case in point.  When I was in the Army for 3 years I had $50 bucks in a savings account, this was back in 1960.  When I got out and tried to get my $50, I was told that the inactive fees took it all away.  I have hated banks ever since!  It tought me what money grabbers they are.   
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