
  • I gave up on TV news a while ago. 50,000 protesters at wall street nd no mention. Ron Paul is winning the polls and no mention. The list is endless. Just thinking about what the public does not know is mind boggleing. 
  • That is true Byron.  But many local stations are part of larger stations.  And the CIA controlls all of them.  The only way to get the truth is short wave or internet.  But most often the TV stations just do not report the news like what is going on, on wall street.  And when they do report you actualy get no facts at all. 
  • Many local stations release information that the government has gagged from MSM. They have plans for the internet to be run by the gov. I feel this is a sneaky way to control more imformation IMO.
  • Actually they are planning on it.  What they want to do is end free over the air T V.  And I just put up an antenna!  Within a week they pulled this.  It has to do with revenue.  Right now the parent stations get money from the local TV stations.  But the cable and satalite companies get revenues from both the suscribers and the advertisers.  They want no one to get anything free!  Because it will take time to change the laws and rules etc. it will take two to two and a half years to impliment their plan.  Right now I have satalite, but I am about to dump them after about 25 years.  I hardly watch TV and like everyone here spend most of my time on the computer.  So if this becomes a reality I don't care!  I will just live with out it.  And you all know why, right?  By the way, it is not the government that wants this, it is the big stations like NBC, CBS, ABC, and all to get your dollar!
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