I think the most difficult fact for me to come to terms with was that I was most likely an alien abductee. At the age of 58, it was one of the most slow creeping, shocking revelations I had ever experienced. As a child, it was wiped from my memory, but certain, remaining and lingering factors continued to creep into my psyche, as if something was there lurking to be let out. Well, here is my story. I hope that it will help other to discover their own reality, or to help cope with something they are currently battling with and feel alone and isolated. People are too quick to call you crazy, even when you know deep in your heart that you are not.
I was born in 1952, evidently on the perimeter of the UFO phenomenon. Men returned home from the war, working women went back into the kitchen, and cape cod homes mushroomed across the United States with a refreshed attitude of life being renewed after a horrific world war.
The Baby Boom, the decade affectionately referencing the glut of births that occurred post World War II from 1944 to 1959. The alien state of mind was post Roswell and the controversy of alien occupancy or visitation was also birthed. Good for movies, television and magazines, but not taken so seriously after the notorious radio hoax of Orson Wells “War of the Worlds” panicked the nation. We learned our lesson NOT to believe in aliens or take the possibility so seriously. And our military was happy that we did not. But evidently, that was also the commencement of the great lie, the despicable cover up of our government and others in the know, by those who had made secret pacts and bargains with the ones who traveled here to our planet.
As unrequited history states, the aliens came here to our planet, and made agreements with humans. Alien technology was traded off willingly to our government for aliens to be given permission to experiment with humans, allegedly so they could revive their dying race. Sounded like we got the best part of that deal, right? Well, we did not. They traded off very little technology and their abductions went to the point of being out of control. It was too late, the deal was struck. Many people and children were repeatedly assaulted and taken without consent, violated, tested, impregnated, implanted, and sexually tampered with. Some women had whole fetuses removed. All of this was done cloak and dagger. Not only did the abductees face the horrors of being dragged out of their beds, sexually or medially violated, mentally tormented, they also suffered ridicule and humiliation if they remembered any part of their abduction and came forward with their fantastic stories.
Many people never remembered at all, and some later in life. That is where my tale comes in, with rather a back door type of realization. It hit me unaware until the memories all flooded back to me in a matter of one month. A whole lifetime of forgotten horror stories, fast forwarded into a replay of a few day’s time. Needless to say it was a lot to handle, amid finding out more information about the ominous arrival of Planet X, the pole shift and Earths’ near, albeit ultimate demise as we know it.
As a child I had what I thought at the time was garish nightmares. I’d stand up crying in my crib for hours, terrified of the ‘faces’ I was seeing in my ruffled blankets and pillows, scared of the dark, and dreaming about the bright lights, loud buzzing and scary ‘faces’ in my dreams. I could barely talk, and yet sleep deprivation from fear was translated by my parents as attention seeking. The abstinence of sleep they felt was self imposed because I wanted to stay up.
I was different as I got older. I had dreams of flying out of my body, could hear my pets ‘talk’ or ‘emote’ their feelings to me, know and actually psychically ‘hear’ what people were thinking, and know things that a five year old could barely say yet have knowledge about. Labeled again as precocious, gifted, odd, funny…..anything but what it might have actually been. But I was catered to because I was sickly. Plagued my entire childhood up into early adulthood with menacing nosebleeds. I’d just bend over and blood would shoot out. Nasal problems, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and I had three nosebleeds that I hemorrhaged and was rushed to emergency rooms. Nose packed in both nostrils for two weeks at a time, pain, discomfort, fright…it was dreadful. The last nosebleed I had, I was warned that I almost died from blood loss. They wanted to cauterize me then, but at the age of 21 I refused.
Most of my high school days were filled with strangeness as well. I was the class clown everywhere I went. Funny, joking and always laughing, life was fun and I managed to push past my freakishness. Dreams of knowing when I was going to be in an accident came true. I learned I had been astral projecting from the age of 10, but not realized it until I read a book about it. I knew when planes would crash, when friends would be ill or when relatives died. When relatives died I could communicate to them. When I attempted to open up and share my unique experiences, which I thought everyone had, they looked at me as if I had a horn growing in the middle of my forehead. So I learned very quickly to keep my mouth shut about ‘that stuff’ and try to fit in as best I could.
Marriage was fun, I nearly scared the be Jesus out of my husband when I knew we were going to be in a car accident and began yelling for him to stop in the middle of the highway, driving at 60 mph. I refused to get on certain planes, and then he learned I was right in what was technically wrong with them for safe flight. I heard ‘voices’ in times of crisis to tell me things would be alright or not to fear. I could go on and on, but let’s just say I was a gifted psychic and that talent grew, no matter what I did. I never practiced, concentrated, or meditated, burned candles…whatever. I just KNEW when things were going to happen. The hardest part was convincing my friends. Finally they learned to accept me and the phrase “That’s Ronnie” became the fixed blanket of explanation to my laundry list of peculiar oddities.
Well two years ago I learned about Planet X, which finally led me to Zeta Talk. I had always had a voracious appetite for the unknown. Ghosts, clairvoyance, ESP, UFOs, astrology, astral projection, tarot, you name it, I knew all about the psychic sciences…hell, I was doing them all naturally my entire life. My crossing over the path of dealing with incarnate beings set me on a spiritual battle and I renounced all the occult powers that I felt compromised my renewed cleansing. And that still stands to this day. But my appetite for alien knowledge never ceased.
I happened to come across a post on Zeta Talk written by Cheryl (and transferred here to this website for you to visit https://earthchanges.ning.com/group/ufos/forum/topics/true-confessions-of-a) and this was the article where the light switch was flipped. Reading her remarkable story and the comments posted by alien contactees afterwards freaked me out. I related to EVERYTHING they were saying. Suddenly the missing pieces to the puzzle that was my ‘powers’ seemed to make sense. I wrote an email to Nancy Lieder and she confirmed in detail that I was a gifted psychic and an alien abductee. It started to make sense. The nosebleeds I had were discerned as an effect of an implant, because after my last hemorrhage, I never had another one. Explanation, the implant up in my nose must have come out with the gauze from the packing. It was odd that after 20 some years of constant nose bleeds and severe hemorrhages, it instantly stopped. I still get scared today if I have a tiny one–every five years or so, but the panic hits. It was a drastic alteration. The garish faces that scared me, the bright lights in my face…was that alien abduction when I was a child? Could they have done something to ‘alter’ me, so I could read thoughts, have a higher IQ than even the teachers in my high school, or the bizarre talent to tell the future? Who knows? All I can say is I am hugely far from the ‘norm.’
I have no conscious memory of what happened, but I do believe it is quite possible that I was, and may still be, a contactee. Frankly, I do not know what part I or any of us still play when our use is over. I try my best to avoid current abductions because the group that took me had to be STS. No care was given that my illness was an ongoing issue and life threatening. But the device removed itself from my body. I also found out later during a pelvic examination that I had a vast amount of scar tissue in my left fallopian tube, as if I’d had surgery. I never did, but maybe something had been removed from me. Speculation–it could very well be, but I doubt it. If it is possible and true, I do think I had been a part of the hybrid program of the Zetas, like thousands of other victims or in some cases volunteers. Am I happy about my abduction, not really…not without my consent, but a baby cannot speak for or protect itself, can it. I had no choice.
Other evidence? I’d suddenly find myself standing in the middle of my bedroom either fully dressed, or in pjs with lights on, wondering what the heck I was doing up at 3 am. No I never sleep walked in my life, from my parents or husband of 20 years. I also found strange marks or scars on my body. The oddest was a four pronged mark, sort of resembling the old fashioned prong mark from the old TB tests. And some recall that I still doubt to this day. And the most freakish thing is, I should be dead. I have had too many close calls and been saved from death many, many times. You name it, car accidents, plane malfunctions, drowning at least three times, muggings, severe illness. I was spared either by my precognition, or freaky incidents that saved me in unusual ways. Without exaggeration, nearly 20 very serious misses and several close calls. Somenone has kept me alive for a reason. Not sure why yet. I think Cheryl’s explanation of all of this is worth reading because she goes into the implicit detail and explains it far better than I ever could.
I am happy that others can share good stories about their abductions. Speaking freely about it seems to be an issue, but it should not be. I would have given anything to have been able to talk about this in my years of confusion and isolation. Feeling like a freak and not knowing the answer to a lot of questions made for a lonely existence. I am just so appreciative of the wonderful individuals I have met in my travels these past five months. It has been life altering, and for the positive.
So, I put forth here the Contactee Corner. I do hope some of you will use it and find it useful to share your stories, ponderings, questions, fears, delights…….whatever. No one will make fun of you and respectful commentary is all that will be posted. I hope you will tell me your stories, I find them almost therapeutic!
We are not alone…..we have each other! J
Your post makes me remember my life, how protected I always felt, how I felt I was being watched over, many vague things like that. My "guardian angel" is named Hasbo, though Zetas don't officially have names, this is his name for me to call him. He gave me an assist to keep me from drowning when I was 7 years old. I wish I could recall more but for some reason I only get fleeting glimpses of Zeta faces. I feel certain they keep the recall down because I will recognize them and get homesick. I have many friends "up there."