I have attached a list of the various preventatives and remedies to fight the weaponized bug, gleaned from many articles that have come out in the past week or two.
There are a lot and many products are out of stock. But get what you can. There is a good instructional on how to make a face mask with filter out of soda bottles.
Internet rumors are flourishing, but the latest one (which is likely going to happen sooner or later) is that interstate travel will be shut down and when it is, then you will be stuck where it happens. The rumors are saying it could be as soon as tomorrow. I find it credible because the longer the gov't waits to do it, the more the bug is going to spread.
Our best bet at surviving is what is being termed "social distancing" (isolation) and doing what we can to prevent or lessen the effects of the bug. If you don't know yet, the entire country of Italy is on lockdown. People can't leave their homes. The only stores open are pharmacies and food.
The bug is here in the U.S. and growing rapidly. There is no more time. It is being recommended to have a three-month supply, so it is anticipated (based on prior history of Wuhan, China, and Italy) that it could be a three-to-four month ordeal. Get what you can get NOW. No one knows if we'll be able to go out tomorrow, or if there will be anything left. ESPECIALLY if you live in or near a big city.
God bless everyone. America will soon be on its knees. We need you, all of you, to survive so we can rebuild and move into the future wiser about how we do things.