Cyberattack hitting various states in US now.

BREAKING: MAJOR CYBERATTACK DISRUPTS HOSPITALS IN MULTIPLE STATES Hospitals and medical services in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Texas, Rhode Island, and California have been forced to close emergency rooms and ambulances have been diverted.

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  • do you Dianna think Cheryl Nelson was assassinated?

    No, Martin. Cheryl had many health issues, diabetes, extremely overweight, that in itself compresses the lungs making breathing difficult, and she was basically inactive. So, when Covid hit her, she was already in a very weakened state. Covid was just the final straw, in her case which, had she just had a regular flu, might have resulted in the same outcome. 

    It is very important to advocate for your own personal health, and stay healthy and active on a daily basis. 

    • Unfortunately Cheryl was one of the many victims to the diabolical plan of population reduction with the released man made Covid virus which took out many who had weak lungs, or other existing health issues that made them vunerable.  

      • Agree. But we must be very careful in what we express on the internet. 

    • Jim Haas?!

      • he was top poster!

        Yes, Jim was a top poster. And, again, did not take care of himself. I believe he was a heavy smoker with lung issues.

        For what it's worth, I think we are pretty much under the radar as far as being of any interest to the 300.  

  • My take... and, please keep in mind, this is what my brain went towards... 

    'They' want population reduction to One Billion people. That means they have to kill off a few billion folks, but cannot come outright with uzis and mow us down, right?  So, poison the water, poisons in food, deny healthcare, promote abortion even after birth, promote euthanasia for seniors, and on and on. 

    This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a fact!  Was all promulgated in the 80's, with the 300 who silently rule the of now. There will be no more middle class, only the John Kerry's riding around in their private planes, and the slave class who bow to their every whim. 

    This is why they all turned on Trump. Remember, he was their friend before the presidency. So, now... how many phony indictments?  Why?  Because only Trump can take them down. 

    Yes, I am putting this out there. I am no longer afraid. What can they do to such as me?  I put this out there for my children and my grandchildren.  I am afraid for the world they will have to inherit and survive in.  God bless us, everyone!

    • You are brave Dianna! God bless you and protect you.

      • Thank you, Martin. We will just have to see how things go from here. 

  • Cyber attacks in hospitals?  And closing emergency rooms?  You would think they would have some type of a back up system to keep emergency rooms open.  And I think now would be a good time for hospitals to figure this one out.  

  • we had it in ireland recently too!

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