
  • Yes it's a miracle his wife survived that!
  • It's amazing his wife survived.
  • It said this on Prophetic voices about the accident: On April 27, 2011, while driving east on US Route 175 in Texas, David Wilkerson crossed into the westbound lane and collided head-on with a tractor trailer. He died."

    I wonder if he fell asleep behind the wheel.  Dang.

  • As to NYC getting hit with something, that is a possibility with the way tornadoes are taking off this year.  Or anything else especially with the death of Bin Laden.
  • Here is a link to the entire message from his son, Gary Wilkerson:
  • Brother Wilkerson understood these things. He knew how to get a hold of the elements from another dimension! God used him. And now he is gone!

    I believe that Brother Wilkerson's death is very significant. I believe it to be a marker in the present season of Judgment upon America and the earth.

    He saw the visions. He knew the terror that the world will soon behold.

    The Lord has spared him the pain of what is to come!

    The trumpeter has gone. And now, there shall be great mourning in the streets!

    I believe that his passing is a sign that the judgment is about to enter a new phase!

    Enter into His rest my brother. You have labored well. You have given us an example.

    In Mourning,
    Nathan Leal

  • Oh man!!!  I liked reading his prophecies and sermons.  :( 


    A car accident took his life (his wife was with him but she's ok)

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