What the H is up with this new 'DBIDS implementation system'...??!! It's some new Defense Biometric Identification System. Is this the start of something else? Everyone that works on a military base has to go and get one of these cards now.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of this and if there's some underlying reason other than the 'ol war against terrorism. Wow.

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  • Sounds like the beginnings of "smart cards". ick.
  • Yep.

    Janice St. Germain said:
    Hiding in plain site. Smarmy little f'ers...
  • I think it is the beginning of eventual complete identification. We started with pets, then it became popular amongst the geriatric population, soldiers of course are sitting ducks for any gov't experiment, it then eventually filters out into the rest of the population. A kind of sneaking up from behind way of doing it.
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